cfbolz changed the topic of #pypy to: #pypy PyPy, the flexible snake | IRC logs: and | the pypy angle is to shrug and copy the implementation of CPython as closely as possible, and staying out of design decisions
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<cfbolz> korvo: more context needed
<cfbolz> korvo: we have a peg generator for pypy3, based on the cpython stuff
<cfbolz> but it's even more adhoc
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<korvo> Yeah, it'd be nice if PyPy were already nicely factored into generic RPython tools.
<korvo> cfbolz: Concretely, I don't know how to convince RPLY's lexer that a '}' can occur at the start of two different tokens, but which token to match depends on the current parser state. I could do it if the lexer had a stack of states.
<korvo> Maybe I should just hack RPLY.
<cfbolz> korvo: which language is that?
<cfbolz> korvo: "nicely factored into generic rpython tools" hah (rpython has like five users? maybe ten?)
<korvo> Nix. Here are two legal Nix strings: "{ x = 2; }" and '"x + ${ y } + z"'
<cfbolz> korvo: and the other implementations have a stateful lexer?
<cfbolz> is that like f-strings?
<nikolar> can't you introduce a token for ${
<korvo> Yeah, it's like f-strings; it's a quasiliteral syntax. The reference implementation is YACC + Bison and uses both lexer and parser states.
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<nikolar> korvo: wouldn't creating a separate token for "${" solve that problem
<korvo> nikolar: Yes. That doesn't help with recognizing the end of the splice, though. RPLY doesn't have stateful lexing, so the lexer doesn't know whether it's currently in a splice or a string literal.
<nikolar> ah right
<cfbolz> korvo: so what I would do is probably the following: hack rply to allow writing your own lexer, then write a stateful lexer by hand
<korvo> Yeah, I guess so. I still want a better version of this grammar, but I should duplicate the already-working grammar first.
<cfbolz> the other option could be what pypy does for f-strings: always parse the string as a full token, then later (during bytecode compilation/ast construction) parse the insides of the quasi quotes
<korvo> Hm. I wonder if that actually forms a regular language (and thus could be lexed); I'm thinking nasty cases like '"x + ${ { y = "z + ${ w }"; } }"' might make it hard to defer parsing. Fun idea though.
<cfbolz> korvo: that kind of construction used to be forbidden in python
<nikolar> but not anymore kek
<cfbolz> thankfully we don't support that version yet
<nikolar> which version changed that
<cfbolz> 3.12
<nikolar> yeah that seems like a pain to parse
<cfbolz> the old approach is also annoying, so win some lose some. but first we'd have to do 3.11
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