cfbolz changed the topic of #pypy to: #pypy PyPy, the flexible snake | IRC logs: and | the pypy angle is to shrug and copy the implementation of CPython as closely as possible, and staying out of design decisions
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<arigato> mgorny: yes, cffi doesn't work on 3.12. The next release candidate with the fix is out on
<arigato> also, the heptapod project has been archived and moved to github
<arigato> pypy question: nowadays getting pygame set up seems to be involved. Was anything done in the direction of porting to an http/html+js server instead?
<fijal> arigato: I tend to use pygame-cffi which is easier to install (also on cpython)
<arigato> ah
<fijal> at least on a mac installing normal pygame is a nightmare
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<mgorny> arigato: thanks. we had some py3.12-related backports in cffi but with rc2, it seems to work better (or at least i can't reproduce right now0
<cfbolz> amirouche: we stopped using futamura though ;-)
<cfbolz> arigato: also, you can run the dotviewer server on python3
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<mattip> PYPY is now an ETF
<mattip> of course it had to be a high-risk ETF, and not a solid conservative one
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<Dejan> :D
<Dejan> mattip, are you also in a Fintech company like me? :)
<mattip> no, I work for which does opensource support and consulting work
<mattip> I somehow signup for notifications whenever google notices a new PyPy reference, and that one jumped out today
<Dejan> ah!
<Dejan> I work for
<Dejan> a company nobody heard of
<Dejan> :D
<mattip> the pre-release whatsnew is up at
<mattip> corrections are welcome
<mattip> there is some new popup in the readthedocs theme, I will have to figure out how to get rid of it
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