cfbolz changed the topic of #pypy to: #pypy PyPy, the flexible snake | IRC logs: and | the pypy angle is to shrug and copy the implementation of CPython as closely as possible, and staying out of design decisions
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<fijal> sam_: there are some serious issues in places where the C extension is optional, but untested
<fijal> the original python code tends to have more bugs, for example
<fijal> or slight differences in say, atomicity
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<mattip> fijal: what are you suggesting gentoo do?
<mattip> if projects ship optional python code, I imagine they are willing to accept bug reports when that code does not work
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<fijal> I don't know if I have good answers what should gentoo do
<fijal> in general it gets filed as "pypy does not work", just like places where people fail to provide source packages
<fijal> (and pip does some whack shit to obscure the error)
<mattip> I prefer "pypy does not work, please support it in this library" over "pypy is slow, why use it",
<mattip> especially if the library has gone to the effort to supply a pypy-alternative pure python implementation
<sam_> fijal: it's a fair point, but we do run test suites very aggressively at least, and I feel like right now it's going to give people the wrong impression if we allow building extensions by default for pypy, given it's just going to be slow as hell
<fijal> as I said, no good answers from me
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<lesshaste> should I expect scipy to work with pypy these days?
<lesshaste> it seems to install but I can't tell if some of the functions won't work
<lesshaste> hmm.. the answer appears to be yes!
<mattip> lesshaste: are you using the binary from conda? It passes tests there
<lesshaste> mattip, sadly pip only
<lesshaste> but it seemed to install and run!
<lesshaste> not only that, dlib seemed to install and run too!!
<lesshaste> mattip, is that unexpected?
<lesshaste> oh.. did you mean a pypy binary from conda?
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