this thing can synthesize working unmodified Glasgow uart applet now
not just UART, it can utilize all of the RAM and i verified it works via the benchmark applet
passes timing too (60 MHz vs 100 MHz on Yosys, and with almost twice the amount of LUTs, but it does)
whitequark[cis]: Already???? Damn, that is impressive!
well I did write the memory lowering pass today
it was the last major missing part
FPGA toolchains are really not as complicated as one might think
now starts the long fun part of optimizing this shit
(okay I lied a bit; for iCE40 we still want to have DSP and SPRAM lowering)
is the plan to keep using nextpnr for now?
(but even that only matters for iCE40 Ultra)
mei: so the current plan is
well. as you know, I start the trip back home in 20h or so, then lock myself in our cave until we have prjcombine-siliconblue in the Proper shape for starting work on P&R
I expect it to take around a month
Cat has its own things to do in the meantime
then we reconvene to design the P&R part
Wanda[cis]: thunderscope?
(this involves finishing actual prjcombine-siliconblue, but also a bunch of general work to clean up prjcombine interface and make it actually usable from unnamed)
mei[m]: yea
Wanda[cis]: congrats! Are you happier with this implementation than with the one you did for yosys?
it's structured significantly better (I talked about it at length previously), it's not going to involve a load-bearing SAT solver, and it's actually testable
good to hear :)
(I'm finishing up writing tests for the core part now)
Please rest before the trip though
mupuf: haahaha lmao.
no rest for the wicked.
well. I do intend to basically sleep all day, at least
and then catch whatever sleep I can on trains tomorrow
[prjunnamed/amaranth] whitequark ea1dbf4 - back.unnamed: start metadata from !0.
now that yosys doesn't pollute nextpnr reports with completely useless pointers into techmap files, i can appreciate how violently useless half of the source locations produced by amaranth are
nice, just a single line is enough to cause metadata to appear on both SB_RAM40_4K cell and the SB_DFFs that were used for legalizing it
povikMartinPovie has joined #prjunnamed
the metadata guard? I want to do something similar in yosys-slang
it's a blunt instrument, but... most of the time you actually want a big hammer
meanwhile the thing that yosys does makes no sense whatsoever
the NEW_ID
like yes technically in some cases it may be useful to know that. but i'm not sure if i ever encountered those cases
<whitequark[cis]> "wanna write it?" <- atm i don't know what the actual issue is that this fixes
oh. if you add an io, apply, then add another io, the second one will overlap with the first
(they will both start at 0)
<_whitenotifier-4> "[prjunnamed/prjunnamed] whitequa..." <- btw, maybe we should have our own unionfind impl? it's not a complicated algorithm, i don't think it makes sense to pull in an unmaintained dependency for this
(note: Cat just went upstairs to be horizontal; may not reply for a while)
the pope has died, and so I shall leave for the train
Err, the pope, really, or is that just an expression of?
mei: can you enlighten our friend, I have to go
sure thing
galibert: i assume you're not familiar with the Polish tradition of pope slander?
I am not
Sound like an interesting tradition
so, John Paul II, the polish pope
when he was alive, there was kind of a cult of personality around him
or, at least, the mainstream media tried to make it so
Oh yeah, in France too actually
when he died, they covered it like poland's own 9/11
or, idk, queen elizabeth dying
and they kinda overdid it
Oh, that must have been annoying
spawning an entire genre of memes
said genre got further amplified when the whole pedophilia in the catholic church debacle happened
so, you have 21:37, the time of death of the pope, being widely considered a "funny number" in poland, much like 69 or 420 in other parts of the world
there's also JP2GMD, which is kind of like ACAB in spirit, and stands for "John Paul the 2nd raped young children"
common pope memes often involve making the face of the pope more yellow
i am not sure how that particular part happened
The 21:37 one is fascinating
Wait, did the Pope actually die and it's not been reported over here (US EST) yet?
Scrollback, you’ll see.
mei was explaining the memes, much thanks for that
I'm aware of the Polish memes. Thought it was the meme being used ironically
(as in, Polish meme plus "Oh wait, he actually died")
it is customary to insult the dead pope every day at 21:37
Funny custom
Probably Wanda was the one who told me about the meme in the first place, for all I remember
(note: it is also illegal to insult the pope in Poland)
And we know you obey laws, no matter how just :)
unjust* even
Aren’t you in the uk?
Wanda[cis]: oh right, a friend of ours got sued for that
not for long
any idea how that ended?
So you’re allowed to insult Teacher but the buck stops at Diana, I think
you mean thatcher?
Yeah sorry typoed
mei[m]: not really
but also she got raided for the crime of embarassing polish government, the pope stuff was just what they could charge her with
Ok, just lived something fascinating