<Wanda[cis]> okay so xact is more picky about invalid routing than ise, it discards all pips of a net that aren't reachable from source pin via other specified pips
<Wanda[cis]> but it has no problems with paths not terminating at a sink pin, so my current approach can still be used, just needs a minor adjustment
<azonenberg> Wanda[cis]: ok sooo i just got a package containing a 144-pin tqfp
<azonenberg> it's laser marked though, not ink
<azonenberg> per our discussions we think most of the legit ones are ink marked?
<Wanda[cis]> so we thought, yes
<Wanda[cis]> so are all of mine
<azonenberg> well, whatever it is
<azonenberg> it's getting decapped soonish :p
<azonenberg> let me get some high res pics to show you
<azonenberg> Quality of the laser engraving is a bit sus too
<azonenberg> seems shallow
<Wanda[cis]> well
<Wanda[cis]> we shall see
<azonenberg> ok the more i look the worse it gets
<azonenberg> now about 80% sure it's fake
<azonenberg> i'm gonna do a quick mastodon thread with pics gimme a few
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<azonenberg> now about 95% confident it's fake, will do a few electrical tests
<azonenberg> huh
<azonenberg> i actually am seeing grounds in the right spots
<Wanda[cis]> huh.
<Wanda[cis]> you could try hooking it up to JTAG I guess?
<Wanda[cis]> though I think it needs a little weird circuit because of the funny JTAG chain structure involved
<azonenberg> Wanda[cis]: yes i am considering making a minimal test board for it
<azonenberg> i really dont want to decap a mystery part without any idea of what to expect
<azonenberg> like, if i *knew* it was fake (like mismatch on electrical test) i'd decap just to see WTF they sent me
<azonenberg> and if i roughly knew what to expect, like it was a different gate density FPGA or something, or even an FPGA in general
<azonenberg> i'd be able to identify if they sent me something totally different
<azonenberg> but knowing nothing about how the chip is built or what to expect
<azonenberg> i'd be hard pressed to pass judgement on legitimacy with only a die shot
<azonenberg> especially if it might actually *be* a COTS MCU they reprogrammed with special firmware
<azonenberg> or something they outsourced to a third party vendor
<azonenberg> if i can electrical test i have a good cahnce of being reasonably confident if it's real or not
<azonenberg> even just get an idcode off
<Wanda[cis]> yeah I'd check the idcode, anything more than that would require excessive effort
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