main layer is normal qwerty + asdf/jkl; as modifiers, space on right hand is also symbol layer and backspace on left is system keys
i love that pressing enter is one handed op without moving hands at all, and at the left hand too
so is escape tab and delete, as well as volume keys
honestly setup i have rn is pretty much perfect in my eyes
surprisingly it didnt take long to figure out
how were you using penti on a small phone?
mine is narrow enough where its hard to fit all my fingers on the screen
I first used a tablet and then a 6.7 inch phone
Steno works fine on smaul screens
no neck problems from using a tablet alone or was it typical for you to use an external screen/ssh?
No problems :)
how well do you predict youll be able to type on steno?
also a pro of steno - easier to use either hand
or even type with your nose during winters :D
Right ☺
or an a watch
not too small?
you gotta fit your finger in 9 areas iirc
you can write outside
Just the center must be in a field
waiting for a video demo
does it hurt to write java?
Why hurt?
cause its very inelegant
Ah, yes
A nightmare indeed
im only willing to use java if we're talking clojure
not a fan of boilerplate-driven development B)
geri: yes. but it pay$$$$
is it worth the mental anguish though?
geri: mental anguish is a luxury for those who have a choice!
like, people who know and use lisp.
thats the real curse of lisp - after it everything else tastes like shit
if you don't know what you do not know, then it is just a normal boiler plate day with a lingering sense of dread.
if you do know, then it becomes a living nightmare!
pandora's box has been opened and theres no way to contain the evil anymore
ive actually edited a java REST api
it was painful cause schema for accessing items is in a different place from the API endpoint that returns the thing
one class per file is ew, logic itself was okayish
enterprise :)
but yeah, im pretty spoiled by lisps
but they made me apprieciate javascript a bit more, imagine
cause now im pretty good with hof's and lambdas
appreciating (x) => x was hard before then
also its literally always available, so if i need a quick calculator its there
oh you understand the mathematical ideas better.
eh, id say FP
where did FP come from?
i got explained what a maybe monad is today but i still cant figure out what a generic monad is xd
hint: the 'F' is functional.
I know what a monadic function is: a function which takes one argument. like sqrt.
that's all I know.
hint: you dont need deep mathemetical knowledge to do functional programming
geri: hint: it doesn't hurt!
it hurts to learn
only if you want to learn haskell and idris and all that stuff close to category theory.
but if you just want to make a string upper case, no.
doesn't matter.
just (uppc "hello")
any recommendations what math concepts may be practically useful to learn?
geri: depends on what you'd like to do, naturally.
hahaha. you just divided by zero.
happy now?
how can i be happy if i dont exist
geri: I can recommend "Introduction to computation: Haskell, Logic and Automata".
since you mentioned monads.
lets hope it doesnt make me wanna fork my eyes
I kinda wish that book were transcribed in scheme or lisp. maybe i should do that.
hell, maybe do it in prolog.
i remember some stream of guy writing a parser in haskell and he had to prove stuff to the compiler
honestly looked insane
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just making sure I'm not reinventing the wheel: Trying to get rainbow parens in vip. I've looked over the code and it seems the only way to do it is to actually modify the `addLine` function, adding conditions for parens and brackets, and adding formatting therein. Is that really the best (only) way or is there something I'm missing?