It is taking list, lambda and accumulator and then process the list using lambdas
Can you explain in short? I'm on the road walking
Where is it needed?
a short example?
In any case this sounds like a compiler issue again, no?
Normally you can do such things in Pil directly
Without need of preprocessing
hmm you don't need to preprocess it. at the end you are getting accumulated result
like (foldr 1 (*) '(1 2 3)) => 6
Why not (apply * (1 2 3)) -> 6 ?
(apply * (2 3) 1)
with fold you can make more complicated things.
it is like apply with custom accumulator behaviour
I think in Pil you need 'let' then
(let A 1 (for ...
i see. I can implement reduce and fold by myself.
Yes, but where would you need reduce?
It is just simpler for me to use them (they are exists in almost all of the programming languages)
reduce is like a fold without the "first element"
for reduce the first element is the element from your list
Pil uses varargs in such cases
So the function does it directly
When is reduce really needed?
Hmmm ok. Password strength validation. You have a list of lambdas. Each of those lambdas is validationg password requirement ...one is validating lenght..the second one ..special character etc. Each of those validator is returning T/F
You can use reduce on such list with your password and get the final result
I know that you can do it in the imperative way ...with for loop etc
would be a simple 'find' over a list of functions
Reduce just make it simpler.
I don't think so ...that you can use find for that case
(find '((Fun) (not (Fun X))) (list of funs ...
I mean..you don't need reduce... Reduce is making the list reduction ... so it is helping you in some cases
It is also everywhere ...js, python, java...lisps, schemes
I'm sure I would have implemented it if I ever needed
So it is easy for me to transport my code from one language to another.
you don't "need" it :) it is just making things easier to deal with
as a common concept between multiple languages. But I can easily implement it by myself :)
With "need" I mean it gets shorter ;)
it is a part of "functional" programming I think. The basic concept in each functional programming book.
But once again. in PicoLisp it is just a couple of lines.
and then I can use it everywhere :D
So no worries :)
But makes it slower
I don't think so.
should be in kernel
well, you have another layer of interpretation
Hmm in all of those languages abowe...reduce, fold etc are one of the fastest way of dealing with lists
oh right...I forgot about that:/
Hmm I can do it in Rust/C then ...and attach it to PIL
I think the fastest is to do it directly
Iterate funs etc
I still don't see if reduce makes it simpler
Can you do that with a 'reduced' expression?
v_m_v, you are overthinking. "optimizations" from other languages mostly don't apply for picolisp
"most languages doing something" = either it's essential or sturgeons law applies
Same with recursion. Recursing over a non-recursive data structure (a linear list) is the wrong approach
Recursion is needed for trees
T, finite trees.
yep, hopefully ;)
recursion is for laziness :P
or academic books
which have the goal to be clever. clever is bad code, unless strictly necessary. hell all code is bad code unless necessary.
less code = less bugs = easier to change = easier to maintain.
And a loop is more clear in many cases
v_m_v, I think the question you wrote with (begin ..) is that not just how picolisp functions work by default? returning last result?
Regenaxer, nvm ;)
Ah, the 'begin' question?
no problem :)
As I said, it is 'prog' in pil probably
but very seldom needed in flow like above
well kinda...
'when' or 'unless' or 'cond'
just do the actual thing instead of overhead
I notice most newcomers to Pil overuse 'if'
I use 'if' *only* if I have if/else
oherwise 'and' or 'when' is better
In v_m_v's example there was (if (cond) (xxxx) NIL)
the NIL is implied anyway
(if (cond) (xxxx))
so we do (and (cond) (xxxx))
'if' has an implied 'prog' for the "else" part BTW
v_m_v has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
Regenaxer, T
Hmm, not very nice, posing lots of questions and then vanishing
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Regenaxer, aye
v_m_v has joined #picolisp
guys PIL would work normally on arm64 right?
it's used on android for years
calle has joined #picolisp
what is the reason behind (get (1 2 3 4) -2) and not getting NIL?
and nother question: random element from list :D
v_m_v, negative indexes meaning CDRs are practical
random elements? Look at @lib/simul.l
: (get (1 2 3 4) -2)
-> (3 4)
v_m_v, please check the logs
We talked a lot to you but you just disawpeared
We don't want to waste our time, right?
oh sorry. I've been logged out. This is the biggest issue of IRC :/
Sometimes I am loosing some info
all right :)
Hmmm I see now :)
Ok.. there is one more thing which I can not crack by myself....Objects. I know how I can create them in PIL. But is there anything like a "self" in PIL? I mean if I have method and in that method I would like to run other method from the same class how I can pass "self" there ?
Hmm I don't know If I am clear
I think I understand
it is the 'This' variable bound automatically
Hmm, seems I'm talking into the wind. Anyway, tired. Will go to sleep. Good night! AFP
sorry...it is taking me some time to process everything what you are writing :D
I don't want to give you a feeling that I don't care....I am just trying to put all of that info into my queue :)
I know Mia blog :D To be honest I am a big fan...specially of her last topics. Task was also quite important for me.
There is a one thing which I think (in yours examples) could be not that optimal. You have removed my (let with Position (: position)
But witout it each time when I need something from position I have to make (: position) so in many iterations my solution should be a slighty faster right?
v_m_v has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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I've to change client...this one is disconnecting me to often :/