Hi Regenaxer :) I have a question about something that a macro can do, I want to know if picolisp can do it ... the code is not the problem and isn't practical in most cases, its just the simplest form of my problem of making shorter code, Lets say I have a function that does something then returns the value (de thing () (prinl
"...") 4) and I always assign that value to a variable (setq A (thing)) Is there anyway that I can move the setq into the function? such that my call will only be (thing A)? that is possible with a macro since I can tell it to return the S-Exp that i want and it'll be replaced at compile time.
Hi Hunar!
Not sure what you mean, but isn't it 'set'?
(de thing (Var) (set Var (something)))
Recommended to do (private) Var
before Var is read
You're right :) this worked (de thing Var (set (car Var) 4)) (thing G) (prinl G) -> 4
A macro is something which is evaluated twice
yes, the first is called expansion i think .. by the way, after all these years was there anything that picolisp can't do due to missing-macros?
I never saw a problem
And in PicoLisp there is 'macro' and read-macros
and what is done with macros in CL is done with FEXPRs in pil
(which are much better in my opinion)
Right :) Its super useful
There are in fact also macros more close to what CL means, but only in PilSrc, when compiling to asm
e.g. 'inline'
But in this view it is the whole PilSrc -> llvm-ir compilation
Another small question, on windows WSL sometimes I see high cpu usage and it turns out to be a picolisp process running but I already closed all the terminals, It happened one or two times this month.. I'm not sure how it happens.. did you encounter anything like that before? It might be WSL
It can happen also in Linux, but it is a fault in the program then
probably WSL, unless you are starting picolisp processes in background on purpose
high cpu is probably because picolisp repl becomes a busy loop if it looses terminal when it still believes one to be there...so it tries reading from terminal, gets instant feedback, tries again...
yes, this happens
strace helps
it shows pil reading from stdin
How can I reproduce it, do you mean a fault due to my code?
A fault is some infinite loop
but I don't know how to reproduce the stdin issue. Some broken pipe I believe
Ah, I typed (loop) and closed the terminal, it happened
yes, exactly
(loop (+ 3 4)) would terminate
but (loop) does not check signals
so you must kill explicitly
Cool thanks :D
Needs kill -9
Normal kill (15) is not checked for
Pil checks for signals only in certain places
eg on Lisp level code
but (loop) is only a tight internal loop