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Hi everyone, it's time to begin the OVN developers' meeting
Tomorrow is the planned release of ovn 25.03.0. If anyone has any last-minute changes they wish to get in before release, please speak up here or on the dev list.
I'm planning to create the release patches and post them today. I won't actually merge them or perform the release until tomorrow though.
As far as what I've worked on, it's been reviews, some downstream build stuff, and I posted a patch series that refactors how datapaths are synced between northbound and southbound databases.
That's all from me. Who wants to go next?
I see zhouhan here, i'm curious if we have results related to his hwol testing with commit-all enabled.
dceara: I can give the update later
zhouhan, ack
Aside from that I did some more reviews and applied some patches (bug fixes). I had another look at patchwork earlier and from my perspective we're good to release.
We did get some internal requests about detailed documentation on the BGP/dynamic-routing integration. It might be something we want to add sooner rather than later to our tree (I thing fnordahl suggested a tutorial).
Oh and there's a patchset up for review to make OVN build on Windows (again). I cc-ed maintainers on it to see if it's worth getting this tested in CI or not.
Not much this week. Following the set of OVS releases, posted patches to update submodules in supported OVN versions. And fixed an issue with a deprecated ubuntu-20.04 image on 24.03 in CI.
Thanks, dceara and mmichelson for applying those!
And that's all from me.
can I go next? quite fast
_lore_, go for it
this week and the previous one I worked on the series to probe active mac binding entries
in order to refresh them if ovn/ovs sends packets with dst ip not the default gw
thx for reviewing and applying
now I am working on the backport for 24.09 (done) and 24.03 (mostly done)
thx, that's all from my side
_lore_, excellent, thanks for that.
Who wants to go next?
I can go next
We tested the upstream ct-commit-all change, but unfortunately it still didn't work for HW offload for the k8s nodeport LB scenario. I found the root cause, tried a fix, and then found another problem ...
I am writing test cases to cover different scenarios of DNAT + SNAT, hopefully help with a proper fix
I was also distracted by lot of downstream trouble shootings so didn't get back on this soon, sorry for that
That's it from me
zhouhan, having tests would be awesome! Kind of a related question: do you happen to have any news about the work to report results on patchwork entries with hwol-enabled tests?
dceara: we are still working on the security bits :D
zhouhan, ack, thanks
zhouhan, the root cause that you found, is it a serious issue that needs fixing ASAP?
Or we might start with testing merged patches, better than nothing, what do you think?
zhouhan, that's definitely good to have, we do the same with ovn-heater, we run scale tests weekly using the current upstream ovn main branch.
mmichelson: it doesn't make things worse, but just didn't help for the HW offload issue.
zhouhan, ack
mmichelson: I think it is ok to fix and backport after release
Sounds good!
Who wants to go next?
That's a full minute with no response. I guess we're done for today. Thanks everyone, and have a good day!
oh wait
Oh do you want to give an update mj2 ?
yes, sorry i was assuming other people were still to go
Sure, go right ahead.
so im iterating on the multinode test, done quite a bit of restructuring of it, moved the TOR switch to a netns within the ovn-gw-x container
currently working on the topology of the system and im getting somewhere with getting two distinct ovn-bgp setups running
the topology changes are going much smoother than i expected though
which is good
anyway thats all
"somewhere" sounds like it's in the good direction. :)
Thanks mj2
I have an update
i can go into further detail if you would like
mj2, only if you're comfortable talking about it.
i was unsure if it was needed, but ill go into detail
so the setup currently im aiming to have is ovn-gw-1 <-> TOR-frr (in ovn-gw-1 as a netns) and then ovn-gw-2 <-> TOR-frr (in a ovn-gw-2 netns)
currently I have communication between the gateway nodes and their respective TOR node in a netns
ovn-gw-2 does not seem to be communicating with ovn-gw-1 over bgp which is good
Having the ToR's as namespaces inside ovn-gw-x is an optimization so that we don't need additional containers on the outer testrunner, right?
however i expect that more problems will arise when i set up two vms (netns on ovn-gw-1 and ovn-gw-2) connected via a LR which connects to a LS vis a DGP, with the LS connected to the two ovn-bgp lrs
yes, I have had a number of problems getting this to work, but seemingly they are all ironed out
i do think the ToRs in netns is much more viable than the hacky reuing a gateway node by disconnecting eth2 to br-ex
anyway thats the end of what i have to say
mj2, if you hit any blocking issues with making the "vms" networking work I can try to help next week.
OK thanks mj2!
unless dceara or fnordahl have any questions
thanks dceara
It should be possible to just run in a namespace on the host outside the containers, right?
not for now, I'll go real quick
fnordahl, go for it
Mostly downstream stuff for me this week.
dceara: Noted wrt. documentation request. mj2's multinode test will hopefully help quite a bit, and I will also set aside some time to send a high level feature or tutorial d
oc patch.
With branching tomorrow I can make an attempt at making an initial version my first thing morning task.
imaximets: doing things to the host becomes cumbersome due to it being fixed setup from ovn-fake-multinode project, it's also a bit complicated since we want multiple ToRs with distinct L2 broadcast domains.
imaximets: but it is an alternative ofc
fnordahl, a nitpick: it's not branching tomorrow. It's releasing tomorrow :)
Oh, yes.
and that's it for me
fnordahl, I think it's good enough if the dynamic routing tutorial is only on main.
dceara: ack
fnordahl, mj2: sure. I don't have a strong opinion about namespaces / containers, so whatever works should be fine. :)
Any other updates from anyone else?
I think that's everyone. Thanks everyone. Have a nice day!
Looking forward to OVN 25.03.0! Thanks, bye!
Thanks! Bye.
\o thanks all!
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