ChanServ changed the topic of #openvswitch to: Open vSwitch, a Linux Foundation Collaborative Project || FAQ: || OVN meeting Thurs 9:15 am US Pacific || Use for questions if you don't get an answer here. || Channel logs can be found at
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<imaximets> o/
<zhouhan> hi
<fnordahl> o/
<mkalcok> o/
<imaximets> mmichelson said that he'll not be here today.
<imaximets> I can host.
<amusil> Hi
<imaximets> Welcome to the weekly OVN meeting! :)
<imaximets> I'll start with my updates.
<imaximets> I don't have many, spent some time on minor OVN reviews this week.
<numans> Hi
<imaximets> Still have a patch to move OVN to branch-3.4 up for review.
<imaximets> That's all I have.
<zhouhan> I can go quickly
<imaximets> zhouhan, go ahead!
<zhouhan> And did some reviews
<zhouhan> That's it from me
<imaximets> Thanks, zhouhan !
<fnordahl> I have a quick update
<imaximets> fnordahl, sure.
<fnordahl> Have posted a v3 of the route-exchange series on the back of some self-review, would love to hear some feedback from others as well if anyone have spare cycles.
<fnordahl> That's about it for me
<_lore_> can I go next?
<amusil> fnordahl So I have some concerns about having netlink code in OVN
<amusil> My question is, are we in a rush with this series for 24.09?
<fnordahl> amusil: there is no critical rush per se, as we would need to do some more work to make it consumable by for example OpenStack. There is value in making it available in increments though. Would be happy to discuss your concerns
<imaximets> As a reminder, there is an AV call on Monday. Do we want to discuss this there?
<amusil> Is it fine to discuss them during the Monday meeting? I think it will be faster than just typing it
<fnordahl> Sounds like a good idea to me
<amusil> Ok I'll add it to agenda then, thanks!
<imaximets> Nice! Thanks amusil and fnordahl !
<imaximets> _lore_, the floor is yours.
<_lore_> :)
<_lore_> this week I worked to address comments from zhouhan and amusil
<_lore_> zhouhan: I posted v8, I aligned the solution to your comments
<zhouhan> _lore_: thanks, I will review
<_lore_> zhouhan: ack, thx
<_lore_> amusil: I did the same with your comments too, I have just skipped the feature one since the framework is not there yet, I guess we can address it with a follow-up patch
<_lore_> that's all from my side
<imaximets> _lore_, thanks!
<numans> I can go real fast
<imaximets> numans, sure.
<numans> zhouhan, it would be great if you can take a look at this patch - I've addressed the comments from your previous review -
<numans> I've been doing reviews this week.
<numans> that's it from me
<imaximets> Thanks, numans !
<mkalcok> I can do a quick one as well
<zhouhan> numans: sure. It is still on my list (sorry for the delay)
<imaximets> mkalcok, go ahead!
<mkalcok> I have two PRs in the pipeline, one smaller refactor of action encoding and the patch for BGP traffic redirect. Thanks for the reviews amusil and mmichelson. THere was one request for change, I'll post that asap.
<mkalcok> that's all from my side.
<imaximets> mkalcok, thanks! I guess, we'll continue that discussion on Monday as well.
<mkalcok> +1
<amusil> I can go next quickly
<imaximets> amusil, sure.
<amusil> There is patch pending to avoid recompute for "exotic" ovs interface types when they have iface-id, other than that some reviews
<amusil> That's it, thanks
<imaximets> Thanks, amusil !
<imaximets> Another reminder: OVN branching is targeted at Aug 2nd - 7-8 days from now.
<imaximets> Do we have anyone else here today?
<imaximets> I'll take it as a 'no'. :)
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<mkalcok> thanks all \o
<imaximets> Thanks, everyone! See you on Monday or next week!
<imaximets> Bye.
<fnordahl> \o cheers!
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<amusil> Thanks, bye
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<nusiddiq> Bye
<zhouhan> bye
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