ChanServ changed the topic of #openvswitch to: Open vSwitch, a Linux Foundation Collaborative Project || FAQ: || OVN meeting Thurs 9:15 am US Pacific || Use for questions if you don't get an answer here. || Channel logs can be found at
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<mkalcok> o/ (sorry for being late)
<imaximets> o/
<fnordahl> o/
<imaximets> You're not late. :)
<imaximets> I guess, it's time to start the weekly OVN meeting.
<_lore_> hi all
<imaximets> I'm not sure we'll get much more people today.
<imaximets> It's PH in US and a vacation season overall.
<imaximets> I'll start
<imaximets> I don't have much to report on OVN side, mostly doing OVS reviews, since we're in soft freeze now.
<imaximets> Branching for OVS 3.4 is planned on Mon Jul 15th.
<imaximets> IIRC, OVN soft freeze should start somewhere around that day.
<imaximets> Dumitru reviewed my RAFT patch, so I'm planning to apply it soon.
<imaximets> That's all I have for now.
<imaximets> Who wants to go next?
<mkalcok> I can go next
<imaximets> mkalcok, go ahead.
<mkalcok> Me and fnordahl are working on a RFC for BGP enablement, from my side, I found a relatively non-invasive way to mirror BGP control plane traffic to an OVS port (configured via LR option).
<mkalcok> we hope to put out RFC/POC soon. That's all from me
<imaximets> mkalcok, nice! Thanks.
<imaximets> Who's next?
<fnordahl> I have a small update
<imaximets> fnordahl, the floor is yours.
<fnordahl> Done some more lab/poc work to support the discussion on OVN fabric integration, thanks to those who have contributed to the discussion. Fixed a bug in `ovn-ctl` caused by bashism introduced in a recent commit.
<fnordahl> Going back to work on implementation along the lines of what we have discussed.
<fnordahl> That's it for me
<imaximets> fnordahl, ack. Thanks!
<imaximets> _lore_, do you want to share?
<_lore_> nope, I do not have any item this week
<imaximets> OK
<_lore_> I am working on Numan's comments on my patch
<imaximets> Do we have anyone else here today?
<numans> me there
<numans> but nothing report as such
<imaximets> numans, ack.
<imaximets> Okay. I'm curious to see the BGP PoC once it's ready. Interesting stuff.
<imaximets> As for today, we can call it a meeting, I think.
<imaximets> Thanks, everyone!
<imaximets> Bye.
<fnordahl> \o cheers!
<mkalcok> thank you ]o bye
<_lore_> bye
<numans> Bye
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<crypticcoder> hello
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