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<mmichelson> Hi everyone, it's time to begin the OVN developers meeting.
<fnordahl> o/
<dceara> Hi
<mmichelson> Aside from a small review I put up clarifying the language about what changes are accepted after soft freeze, I haven't done much upstream work. I should probably do some reviews sometime soon though.
<mmichelson> That's all from my side. Who would like to go next?
<fnordahl> I have a small update
<fnordahl> mkalcok has been working on the LRP bgp-mirror feature and will be ready to post patch before soft-freeze, has also posted a follow-up for explicitly finishing CT actions.
<fnordahl> crypticcoder has posted a patch for revealing the LRP IPv6 LLA in `ovn-nbctl show`.
<fnordahl> I'm working on the route leaking part of the BGP work and have working extraction of NAT addresses, working on adding a I-P engine node as I need input from both lb and runtime data to build complete set of addresses to leak routes for.
<fnordahl> Racing towards soft freeeze, and our intention is to get this up in a reviewable state before the deadline.
<fnordahl> That's it for me
<mmichelson> Thanks fnordahl. Sounds like we're all going to be busy with reviews soon :)
<mmichelson> Who's next?
<dceara> I can go next.
<dceara> Speaking of soft freeze and racing, I've also been racing to post the ACL sampling feature before soft freeze.
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<dceara> v1 is available on list but.. I'm posting v2 as we speak (addressing comments from Adrian).
<dceara> fnordahl, I wanted to look more into detail into your bgp proposal but didn't get a chance to, sorry. I will look at the patches though!
<dceara> that's it on my side, thanks!
<mmichelson> Thanks dceara . Does anyone else want to give an update?
<imaximets> May I?
<mmichelson> go for it imaximets
<imaximets> Don't really have much. mostly reviewing stuff on OVS side since we branch on Monday.
<imaximets> I applied my RAFT fix for followers forwarding too many commands that are doomed to fail.
<imaximets> So, performance of followers should be much better now on high transaction rate.
<imaximets> And I'm reviewing the sampling stuff.
<imaximets> That's all I have.
<mmichelson> Thanks imaximets . Anyone else?
<_lore_> can I go next? quite fast
<mmichelson> go for it _lore_
<_lore_> this week I worked on adding the capability to define an range for ct_zone selected by ovn-controller
<_lore_> I posted v2 upstream addressing Ales's comments on v1
<_lore_> moreover I addressed Numan's comments on my Northd IP patch for bfd, static_routes and route_policy
<_lore_> that's all from my side
<mmichelson> Thanks _lore_
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<mmichelson> Do we have any further updates?
<mmichelson> OK that's a full minute with no response. Thanks everyone, and have a good day.
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<dceara> Thanks, bye!
<fnordahl> \o cheers!
<imaximets> Thanks! Bye.
<mmichelson> Bye!
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<_lore_> bye
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