3. Make error. make: *** [<builtin>: openscad-step-reader.o] Error 1
I am not sure that step triangles are a benefit over stl/3mf export - but importing an step would be more like open and convert instead of import()
but i assume this is not possible due to the different nature of openSCAD
step seems to be a terrible format .. it is just widely used in CAD
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I thought step is more about preserving those BREP information?
yes and that is where you can use it to modify - but it also can hold just triangles which is bit useless as there are better formats for this
but as prusa (slicer) has a step support i see models with only a step uploaded - might be nice to import these as kind of "convert to triangles"
but for export it wouldn't add anything (afaik)
if the CSG-tree could be converted into step this would be great for data exchange from openSCAD into other CAD
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I think CSG-tree can be exported as STEP, but iirc BREP does not have good CSG capability, not sure about that
and you don't have relation data, so probably not very useful for other CAD
reading step sounds good though
Happy Christ Nativity!
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J24k19: Just be mindful of total sizing being repository appropriate.
Looks like our largest model directory was 30MB.
Although I think we can get away with a bit bigger than that.
t4nk_fn: whats a torussi ?
license wise it's obviously fine to just include, but I think it would still be a good idea to get in touch with people as we did for some of the designs in the past
buZz, I guess it's just one of those things you need to get the first time around ;)
i know a torus, its a donut
(it was plural too, btw)
in what language?
Fake latin?
thnx, InPhase.
so you have a latinamerican 3dpen?
Latin American ironically means something completely unrelated to Latin.
you'd think, yeah ;)
but weirdly it doesnt, its 'latin american' because they're spanish/italian, the birth place of latin
its? of what?
of what, indeed
t4nk_fn: so, you ment the hobbed gears?
they weren't broken, so they didn't need mending
Ironically the Italian connection got largely lost, which is the problem. Words get confused over time. :)
InPhase: the opposite would be 'anglo american' , meaning a immigrant from anglo-language native nations
InPhase: columbus was italian for instance
wasnt amerigo too?
yep, so US = italy
I guess there aren't a lot of Columbi around anymore.
the anglos just had more weapons easily available
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