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Hi, well, I am dealing with something very strange... again. After reset, when JTAG chain examination is being done, the ID code returned by chip is good. But after just resetting OpenOCD, when the JTAG chain examination runs again... The IDcode is different. Any ideas what this could be?
is it FF or 00?
Instead of 0x10000B6F, it's 0x04400000000
although, during scan, I notice that there is no IR update
gamiee: yes, after JTAG state machine reset the standard says IR should be pre-loaded with IDCODE instruction.
PaulFertser: it seems on T-Head cores this is not case. Else I do not know how to explain current behavior
gamiee: sometimes vendors do very odd things
gamiee: is it the same for you both with and without physical TRST?
PaulFertser: The chip (BL618) does not support physical TRST
So OpenOCD should be doing TestLogicReset state transition then reading DR should be giving IDCODE if the hardware is sane.
I see OpenOCD is triggering TestLogicReset. But, hardware is not outputting the IDcode, but some garbage. (I am checking this with logic analyzer)