antto: within zephyr OS examples there is a cmsis-dap. Not sure it includes also the UART. If your MCU is supported by zephyr, it should be straightforward to build the existing example for it.
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doesn't say anything about UART
this is a daplink debugger running on a lpc11u35 which i'm 95% sure is a circuit cloned from some of the early mbed SWDAP/DIPDAP example boards
i can't even tell if i'm doing the firmware update procedure properly
there's a bootloader button on it, i press it and plug the device, it appears as a "CRP DISABLD" mass storage device, containing a 64KB "firmware.bin" file
i erase it and i have to put the new .bin there, so i tried straight up copy/paste from the file manager, i tried "cp" (i'm on debian)
should the new file be named "firmware.bin" exactly or can it be "blahblah_whatever.bin" ... i can't find much details anywhere
oh sh*t, i think i maybe f*cked up something... i cannot get the debugger back to a working state even with the original zl33prg firmware now
it runs in the "CRP DISABLD" mode every time no matter what i do (whether the button is pressed or not)
oh, i got it back... so the instructions maybe aren't very accurate, copy/pasting and other ways didn't work, found one page that said you have to also unmount the drive and "dd" onto the /dev/sdX with seek=4
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hey, I have aarch64 core and I need to invalidate and disable icache/dcache/mmu, is there any way to manipulate SCTLR from OpenOCD ?
it seems like a relatively common thing, enable/disable caches that is, but I cannot seem to find any way to do it ... did I overlook anything ?