PaulFertser hey my workday was over and didn't check irc anymore
that's a sin
PaulFertser mhm, we never added this pull on all our products and never had reliabily issues while producing and programming those
but apperently we never set the security bit so the DSU alwasy was on and could trigger
`Early datasheet versions did not have the SWCLK pull-up recommendation and I had no problems with designs that did not include it. However, there is likely a good reason this recommendation was added. The related link that's missing might be about the section "Operation in Noisy Environment".` ah they added it later in a revision
i found out why i had gaps between the SPI bytes, it was when MSSEN is enabled (that is on the SPI in m*ster mode, the automatic sl*ve-select control)
i guess i'm close to actually attaching a target to my wanna-be-debugger
PaulFertser that actually works?!
We configure all pins as tri-state now after boot in order to eliminate all bugs regarding leakage current. But in the erata is shown that the SWD pins sometimes reconfigure itself..
which might lead to our products sometimes come in a random state of 80ua (happens occasionally)
often the programming/debugging pins are a bit more different than the others
sometimes even some other pins like USB pins or so
ye usb pins same, also errata
it's possible the pull resistors are magically enabled after reset (while it should not according the datasheet)
that's why we don't trust on the reset controller configuring all pins/port anymore and we do it ourself in software
because 80ua will kill our battery in 6 months..
our normal standby power is on average 2.2ua
(with peaks from the brownout check tho)
luckily i rarely have to make batter-powered stuff
we mainly do
i have an overclocked SAME54 at home running 24/7 since years
with 5-7 years battery life
but the saml21 is so overpriced and the samr35 really outprices itself in the market
but redesigning everything around a stm32 cost so much development
i find atmel stuff more noob-friendly btw
datasheet is pretty good in general
for contrast, look at NXP
i wanted to have their 500-600MHz chip on a board, but even after registering on their site, downloading the datasheets and chip configurators, i couldn't figure out wtf's going on
so i gave up
Haohmaru you know how to set the reset config from gdb?
what do you mean?
so I tested the theory of PaulFertser and setting reset_config to: reset_config srst_only srst_gates_jtag connect_deassert_srst
will generate a external reset
however then cold-plug is not working anymore obviously
so I first need to cold-plug and then change the reset configuration
but that doesn't seem to be a valid command
braunr yes but I need to change the reset configuration
i don't think you do
I do
or is it because openocd itself can't identify the hardware ?
i think i remember such cases yes
I want to create a hardware reset with the reset pin instead of software reste
in which case you can't send openocd commands, since openocd can't init
and PaulFertser had a theory why cold-start works with `reset_config srst_nogate connect_assert_srst`
you've enabled the Security bit?
in development no
so what was the problem then? disabled the SWD pins?
put them to floating ;)
and the only way to attach a debugger is very soon after a reset, or during a reset?
jancoow: usually tri-stating pins are bad wrt leakage current, I think for power saving all pins should be pulled (can be internally). Do you have a quote from your datasheet that says otherwise?
correct, in the startup of the code we check if debugger is connected and if so we don't put them in tri-state
jancoow: I mean it's _always_ bad to tri-state.
PaulFertser atsaml default put them all in floating mode after reset. This means input disabled, output disabled, everything is decoupled
also the input buffers are disconnected
jancoow: my point is that there should not be any sensible reason to disable SWD ever in your case, unless I'm missing something important.
right, thus you need the debugger to do an external reset before talking to the chip
jancoow: you should be able to change reset_config at runtime at any moment with gdb "monitor reset_config ..." command.
ah with monitor, thnx
PaulFertser well.. we expierence a leakage current of 80ua on some products and we think it might trigger the DSU on the pins. It's also in the erate something vague that out of standby it re-configures the mux of those pins
didn't i say this last time? any command you send with "monitor <xyz>" from gdb would be sent as "xyz" to openocd
but it rarely happens
so it's a wild guess it somehow enables the DSU and the power leakage is gone after reset of the device
Haohmaru sorry I must have forgot
or maybe i said it to someone else
"mon <xyz>" for short
jancoow: with SWD pulled up and all the other pins also having pulls one way or the other there shouldn't be any leakage. Leakage occurs when a pin is in input mode and it's actually floating, thus triggering input circuits.
Haohmaru i have a lot of monitor in my startup script, i thought this was a configuration change for openocd so i didn't think about using montitor
PaulFertser but the input circuit totally disconnect on the atsaml
jancoow: how does leakage happen for your via SWD pins then?
it's commands to the "gdb server" .. and in this case, openocd plays the role of a gdb server
while gdb plays the role of a client
so with "monitor" you send commands to the server (openocd)
remember, this is "remote" debugging
btw, are there commands to supply power to the target?
or is this too fancy for openocd
jlink has custom command for that
is it usable thru openocd i mean?
PaulFertser we see exactly the same power consumption when the debugger is active
so we have a theory that the debugger enables in the field somehow
that including some other theory that some devices totally goes silent while we have multiple protections build in, but we also have a breakpoint halt when a reset happens if the debugger is connected according the software
so this is a theory for now and for our current production we want to apply those changes
and now with the datasheet recommending a 1k for "reliable" operations, it seems something is up with the pin
jancoow: the debugger when you run OpenOCD for the first time will enable some debug circuity inside (OCD) so that might raise the consumption.
PaulFertser correct, that's what we see
and this power consumption is equal to the devices in the field having randomly this
either this is due the specific pcb layout, I can see that VSW is running on the opposite of the SWD lines..
jancoow: now that's strange, and it's highly unlikely to be caused by SWD floating. I think why they suggest to have that pull up on SWCLK is because of the silly way to enter that special cold-plug mode, they want to avoid ever seeing SWCLK low on reset (including watchdog reset) because that would make the device stuck for sure.
PaulFertser we don't put SWD or SWCLK to floating on our previous batches (20k+ devices)
but we neither enabled the security bit to prevent hot plug mode
also with putting them to float I also disabled muxing them to the debugger
(so i configure and detach the pins to anything inside)
jancoow: enabling OCD circuity inside is much more than just few random transitions on the bus, can't happen accidentally.
also the cold plug mode?
seeing the swclk low on reset?
Oh, that I can imagine happening but not with you have external pull on SWCLK.
we don't have an external pull on swclk
it's apperently something added later in the datasheet
again, this are just theories
Sucks when a problem can't be reproduced in a lab :/
jancoow: but do you have a workaround good enough for now with that "wrong" reset config at openocd startup and then changed to the correct one later?
i love it when "problem goes away when oscilloscope is attached"
You can also just add something like a pre/post-examine hook for that. Actually, any event should be good, they all happen after initial connection is attempted.
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PaulFertser yes, your workaround works great! I start with this 'reset_config srst_nogate connect_assert_srst' which will perfectly work in cold-plug mode
and then switch to 'reset_config srst_only srst_gates_jtag connect_deassert_srst'
after programming my device detects an external reset
hm, is this something that could work in same54 for the security bit situation?
Haohmaru: why do you bother?
it's a feature of the chip.. sounds cool on paper
Then it would be cool to have it in OpenOCD.
enabling it is easy
it can be enabled via the firmware even (in fact, that's how i did it to test it)
but then you can't do anything with that chip with openocd, it's like "bricked"
the security bit I can set for the saml21 i believe
we do set bootprot
that one was related too
My point is that if it's a cool feature please make OpenOCD play nice with it.
who am i to make openocd do anything ;P~
In my world disabling SWD access or readout protection isn't cool.
PaulFertser, the feature is about making your firmware less easy to be stolen, supposedly
Haohmaru: that's bad and wrong idea, firmware should be freely readable.
shall i give you my $boss on the phone?
I was telling the same to my bosses, seriously.
but i might also want this for a personal project
because i know some f*ckers will immediately steal it
if it's that easy i mean
Aren't your personal projects meant to give joy to the others?
You can't steal what's already nicely freely available for copy and improvements.
well, supposedly they are, but then i end up being insulted by a pile of people about some design decisions
but this is a long story and too off-topic for here
mmmm, there are "fast" 16bit PISO shift registers, why didn't i know about this.. maybe i could've pulled off SWD with 1 SPI and some of these
Hammdist has joined #openocd
hey all. I am design a board with an FPGA and an FTDI adapter chip and the latter enumerates on USB and I am able to scan the FGPA with openocd (hurrah). I have svf file for FPGA. how do I send the svf to the FGPA using openocd?
I am using JTAG btw
yes, output from ecppack of an ECP5 FPGA cfg file
oh, no clue
well, what have you tried?
Hammdist: just the "svf" command should do the trick :)
Haohmaru: fyi, basically SVF is just a list of JTAG low-level operations to perform, it does scans and can check the resulting values against a masked constant.
well by now I have, in addition to ftdi ... commands to configure the ftdi, reset_config ..., jtag newtap ..., init, svf, exit. but the FPGA does not ignite the LED it's supposed to. is there anything further needed to take the FPGA out of reset or something?
when people say FPGA - i should just stfu ;P~
Hammdist: no, shouldn't be, it should be all in your SVF.
Hammdist: probably you need to tick some options in that ecppack or something.
BTW, why do you need non-default reset_config? TRST is an optional signal for JTAG.
Usually SVF generators add some meaningful comments inside, they can be useful too, I suggest you try reading it in a text editor.
I needed reset_config to talk to an STM32 earlier. maybe it's not needed for the FPGA. probably doesn't harm anything to leave it there
Hammdist: depends on what you set and what you connect.
Hammdist: if e.g. you tell OpenOCD you enable TRST while in fact you do not have it connected it does harm.
Deneb has joined #openocd
got the flashing to work. my real issue was that I had OPENDRAIN=ON on some LEDs that I forgot were actually active high
That explains it :)
das has joined #openocd
hello I've tried rebuilding the latest OpenOCD from the git instead of using the Debian package because I had this error "Error: Invalid ACK (4) in DAP response"
das: please use some pastebin to show full -d3 output.
das: ah, you have issue building? What exactly?
it's an original JLink which i've used dozens of times
jancoow: interesting!
the speed is auto set to low, 100KHz
PaulFertser i remember this batch was pretty good anyways. I mean, we allow everything <6ia
6ua *
but if for examples a drop of a diode + ldo + mcu are in the more worse side of the spec it could be not good
das: is it same consistent result with e.g. 1 MHz?
das: it might indeed mean the debug circuity doesn't want to talk to you at all for whatever reason.
yeah JTAG could be locked but this line surprises me as it seems to indicates it does discover smth: "am335x.jrc tap/device found: 0x2b94402f (mfg: 0x017 (Texas Instruments), part: 0xb944, ver: 0x2)"
Well, JTAG is one thing, ARM Debug module is another.
adapter speed 1 through 10000 doesn't seem to have any effect
JRC is "JTAG Router", a device which allows you to attach and detach individual taps to the chain.
I'm not familiar with AMX335x, probably you need to study its datasheet about the debug topics.
das: also, what is the target doing at that moment you're trying to connect to it? Have you tried stopping in U-Boot or something?
I've got another dev board somewhere in the pile that has an am3352 I'll try it tomorrow
I've tried with the target booting (while loop) and the target booted
same result
das: do you not have control over target's firmware?
PaulFertser: not to this board, it's a blackbox for now
das: OK, I see. Most probably the debugging is locked somehow.
PaulFertser: there's a good chance it is indeed but I'm also unsure if I can distinguish a failed setup from a locked JTAG
das: you can also try checking with jlink proprietary software
PaulFertser: good thinking, IIRC there are GUIs for Windows, I'll try this tomorrow
PaulFertser: thanks for the guidance
das: you do not need a GUI to check, and do not need windows either.
Should be all available for you to try with jlinkcommander.
I hope you figure it all out eventually, welcome.
suppose I just want to read two slow-varying bits from the FPGA in a kind of one-shot mode. can I ignore everything else and just feed the bits into JTDO1, JTDO2?
what would the openocd incantation for reading these bits look like?
to be clear I -don't- want to use that scala code (I'm writing mainly pure verilog), it's just for illustrating the JTAGG primitive
Hammdist: hm, that probably wouldn't be a good idea. Have you seen the JTAG state machine diagram?
Hammdist: in OpenOCD you can do "irscan" and "drscan" commands for stuff like that. But you still probably want to have that state machine implemented on the target I guess.
is the JTAG clock free-running? or does it only run when commands are being sent?
the signals are passing through 3-stage synchronizers
as long as one discards 3 initial bits the next bit should be legit
OK, that might work I guess. In OpenOCD you can do irscan.
ofc one cannot transfer significant amounts of data with this. it just provides 2 "virtual LEDs" basically
I think one can extend this technique of ignoring the state machine to implement arbitrary number of virtual LEDs with some cooperation from host software. the idea is to send N+1 zeros followed by N bits of virtual LED data. then read 4N+4 bits and do some work to sync up in the host software
well the N+1 zeros must be "framed" by 1s to be recognized unambiguously. missed that at 1st