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<gamiee> oh... the reset mechanism is even bigger rabbit hole than I expected... >}
<gamiee> :( *
<Haohmaru> <but_why.gif>
<gamiee> (I had something written, but gotta go, will answer when I will get back)
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<kpedersen> Hello all. My workplace had a cleanout of a bunch of Mikroe EasyARM (v1.11) boards and I would prefer to avoid the old(ish) armflash.exe and Windows driver (or JTAG) and instead use Linux. Can I check if OpenOCD supports this (perhaps via libusb)?.
<kpedersen> The board itself basically has the programmer built in. I believe it to be the same as:
<clever> so, i got myself a debug probe, and with just a 1 line change from my old configs, i'm able to talk to an RP2040 with it
<clever> so, i know the USB<->SWD layer is working fully
<clever> now, how do i debug a 2712....
<clever> > dap info
<clever> BUG: current_target out of bounds
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<clever> found a config fragment here, and now `dap info` gives something!
<clever> did a `halt ; reg ; continue` and the target system has crashed
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<zapb_> kpedersen, I would say it is not supported out of the box except it implements CMSIS-DAP or something like that
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