I can't seem to get the setup to work, but I assume that's because I don't know what I'm doing
so I've started up with `openocd -s /usr/share/openocd/scripts -f interface/cmsis-dap.cfg -c 'transport select swd' -f target/efm32.cfg -c init -c halt`
which looks quite promising
so then I `telnet localhost 4444`
and issue: `flash read_bank 0 /tmp/bank0`
which returns
Target is not Cortex-Mx Device
auto_probe failed
so now i wonder if anyone here can help or explain why i can't read the flash
slobodan has joined #openocd
greyltc: hi! odd result you show
greyltc: " -s /usr/share/openocd/scripts" isn't needed but doesn't harm.
greyltc: current source code has no "Target is not Cortex-Mx Device" string. Next time please use some pastebin and show full output starting with the invocation command line.
could that string be coming from the debugger's firmware?
thanks for taking the time to help by the way :-)
greyltc: I'd need to see full output to tell
greyltc: hah, I see it used to be present in the source code, removed with a4b4750e3860fae620f51d34a43a655b5ccdd51d
greyltc: so I suggest you use a self-compiled current HEAD from git.