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hi there!
I've a question regarding openocd ftdi configuration options
I have a swd target and tries to hook up an ft2232 based board to it
looking at the signal with an oscilloscope it seems that when the target answers to the IDCODE request
it has some problems raising the voltage to 3v3 (~2V5)
so I assumed that my board is also trying to drive the line at this moment
do you have pull up resistors on the SWD signals?
I do yes
I tried 470 and 220 as recommended by arm
ah, no I misunderstood your question
because, iirc, in the SWD transactions, when the direction changes (on SWDIO signal particularly) you have to have a pull-up resistor
I didn't had a pull-up resistor
there's an intentional time gap while the SWDIO direction changes, where neither the debugger nor the target would drive that signal, so it'll float
thus they require a pull-up resistor
from what I've read it should be one clock tick
if you don't have it - maybe that's what you saw on the oscilloscope
but this is just a speculation
maybe, but I guess it would last just for the direction change
this occurs for every time the target wants to drive the line to 3V3
not being able to get to 3.3V on that signal could be caused by something else too
yes that's what I was wondering
like, a (semi)short with another thing
I doubt the semi short as it occurs on each samples
you could try powering off the thing and measure resistance from SWDIO to GND and to 3.3V and to neighbour pins or other suspicious places
I was thinking of ftdi configuration, as I have troubles understanding the SWD_EN and SWDIO_OE options
ok I'll try that
no clue but based on the name SWDIO_OE probably means OutputEnable
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that's what I thought yes, so I've set it to 0 so that there wouldn't be any conflicts on the line
this is the signal that changes direction, so when you want to output you'd Enable the Output of it, otherwise disable it (the output driver would go to hi-Z) and then you can use the signal as input
well, no idea about this in the context of the ftdi
wait for some of the others to wake up
same here and the documentation isn't very clear from me haha
sure, thx!
i've only used daplink-based debuggers
also what is strange is that I tried using the jtagulator to verify if it works and it can find the IDR
is that another debugger?
no it's a device to bruteforce swd/jtag pins
so it works with that one
to some degree at least
did you also check that it's not something silly like the whole 3.3V line (or at least the VDD of the target) happen to have gone down to 2.5V?
because then seeing 2.5V when it drives SWDIO would be unsurprising