tbh what you find on aliexpress is often both cheap and rather on the crappy side. I'd pay more to get a better one, personally
though that's not always the case ;) sometimes you pay a lot for something that turns out to be crappy *cough* Linus tech tips buying tablets from aliexpres
sadly i dont have enough cash for anything beyong $1760, just $8 short, sad
thanks for the pointers, imma try some different jlink things, there's some cheap ones for ~$2-ish
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how do I know which JTAG is going to work with my board, like I foud this one - https://www.aliexpress.us/item/3256804285601878.html - not sure if its going to work with mine, is there a difference between v8/v9/v11 kind of things?
aisha[m]: those cheap "jlink" are segger clones, they might work with openocd (I ordered one of those and it seems to be working)
as long as your board has support for either jtag or swd, it should work
what is segger?
segger.com is the company behind the original jlink adapters
holy shit their jlink prices are !!!!!!
the edu version is decently priced, if you don't need commercial use
yea im not doing commercial stuff, mostly BSD development
may I ask which board you are working on?
(based on history I suppose you're trying to port a bsd flavour to some SBC board?)
starfive visionfive 2
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yes i'm an openbsd developer but I have mostly worked on userspace things and want to get more involved in kernel development :)