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Hey, all im getting an error with an attempt to debug a RP2040 in eclipse with another pico. got the paste here if anyone can throw an idea what i may be doing wrong.
andrea3: according to your paste it nicely connected, then did something (a -d2 log would show what exactly), then something told OpenOCD to close.
il paste the log in a paste bin, is that alright ?
andrea3: "Truncated register 16 in remote 'g' packet" hm, now that's the error
andrea3: is it possible you're starting some x86 GDB and not arm-none-eabi-gdb?
Or not multiarch GDB.
andrea3: normally multiarch GDB asks for XML describing target registers and other features, OpenOCD gives it back, and then no mismatch with "g" reply is possible.
andrea3: I suggest you try starting gdb manually, and use "set debug remote 1", then "tar ext :3333" command there.
il give that a try. im not too familiar with what multiarch GBD is
andrea3: it's just GDB that was compiled with support for all the architectures.
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with the commands for set debug remote 1 & tar ext:3333 is it just
andrea3: no, you're showing commands for openocd, I'm talking about starting OpenOCD in another console and then starting GDB and running those two commands.
a hint over in eclipse stats to disable it for multi core applications
andrea3: I'm back, looking
Appreciate it
andrea3: this last paste is very different, and not due to changes in GDB commands. Something else changed. Probably picoprobe needs power cycling.
andrea3: and I do not see where you pasted GDB output. It should print quite some lines with that "debug remote 1" enabled.
i've seen to have had some issue with my enviroment variables il just sort that out and give that a try
andrea3: I suggest for the tests you do not use eclipse at all. Just start openocd manually in one terminal (emulator) and GDB in another.
So that it would be easy to try things and see logs.
yeah 100% thats what im sorting out now. just had some issues with cmd not seeing i-gdb
andrea3: cool, waiting for your new data then
still having issues with path, sorry for the delay
Take your time
yeah quite strange im now getting blocked due to the lack of a python27.dll that should be present. il do a reinstall/powercycle
andrea42: somehow it's very low res but it looks like arm-none-eabi-gdb isn't starting at all. As if it's not executable or exits immediately "just because".
Better res:
il continue to look more into it and pop back. another thing i can test for is to try out the VSCODE approach since thats what people usually op for and test if that works at the very least and work backwards from that.
andrea42: I suggest you make it to work without GUIs first.
but it is strange that its not launching anything
I can't comfortably view imgur list of pictures, only if you paste URLs directly to .png or .jpg files.
ah ok
Guess something is still wrong with the PATH.
I'm not using windows so can't tell how to diagnose properly.
On Unix you have "which" command to show you what's starting.
You can also always use full path to the executable to not depend on PATH.
dumb question, if these spaces in the path ( "C:\Program Files (x86)\Arm GNU Toolchain arm-none-eabi\11.2 2022.02\bin\arm-none-eabi-gdb.exe") what would it look it as a command ?
i did try and paste the elf file within the bin and try and launch it there but that didnt work either
andrea42: I think you have to put it in double quotes
andrea42: you do not need the elf file to start gdb.
Start without arguments.
nup, something still off with python
il do a complete reinstall for it
ok completely nuking python sorted that. sorry i've never had that issue happen before
Windows is suffering guaranteed
ok so its not waiting on commands by the loosk of it
GDB starts but doesn't allow you to type commands?