Hi everybody; I'm looking at openFPGALoader to program a Spansion S25FL128L configuration flash which is connected to Xilinx xc7a50tfgg484 and to be programmed from a x86 host running debian using digilent_hs3. I have the setup all set and built. I made a modif to the board.hpp for the type of SPI Flash (data taken from datasheet). The connection
is fine and FPGA and Flash are detected; but I get a timeout when the erasing phase starts. Am I here in the right place to ask for some help with this?
schoutem: hi
is it a custom board ?
board.hpp must be updated if your board isn't already supported, and spiFlashdb.hpp for your chip
could you pastebin openFPGALoader logs ?
Hi, it's a custom board; but I believe I'm supplying all the parameters on the command line.