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<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> what is [this]( odd rule about allowed operators?
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<discocaml> <qrpnxz> Best I could do:
<discocaml> <qrpnxz> ```scheme
<discocaml> <qrpnxz> (import
<discocaml> <qrpnxz> (scheme base)
<discocaml> <qrpnxz> (scheme write)
<discocaml> <qrpnxz> (scheme eval))
<discocaml> <qrpnxz>
<discocaml> <qrpnxz> (define-syntax app
<discocaml> <qrpnxz> (syntax-rules ($)
<discocaml> <qrpnxz> ((app $ . rest)
<discocaml> <qrpnxz> `(,(app . rest)))
<discocaml> <qrpnxz> ((app a . rest)
<discocaml> <qrpnxz> `(a . ,(app . rest)))
<discocaml> <qrpnxz> ((app) '())))
<discocaml> <qrpnxz>
<discocaml> <qrpnxz> (display
<discocaml> <qrpnxz> (eval (app + 1 2 $ - 3 4 $ * 5 6)
<discocaml> <qrpnxz> (environment '(scheme base))))
<discocaml> <qrpnxz> (newline)
<discocaml> <qrpnxz> ```
<discocaml> <qrpnxz> can you elaborate
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> it has a big wall of operators saying something like "Following characters, at least one if the first character is ? or ~, optional otherwise: "
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> i wish they gave me a regex to test valid operators
<discocaml> <yawaramin> you can test operators with the REPL (toplevel)
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> what lisp is this!!?
<discocaml> <qrpnxz> some of these are special characters in regex. That'd be even harder to read
<discocaml> <qrpnxz> R7RS scheme
<discocaml> <yawaramin> `let ( MYOP ) = ()`
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> yeah
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> ```
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> ? ~
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> !
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi>
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> Following characters, at least one if the first character is ? or ~, optional otherwise:
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi>
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> $ & * + - / = > @ ^ |
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> % <
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi>
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> ```
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> it says starting prefix char can have ? - or ! but the following characters should be $ & * + - / = > @ ^ | % <
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi>
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> BUT i could still define (??)
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> maybe i dont understand what they mean?
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> cooooool
<discocaml> <yawaramin> i think trial and error exploration with the REPL would be helpful
<discocaml> <qrpnxz> you rarely want to be defining operators anyway
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<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> me want operators
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> its a cool thing not found in most other languagess
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> alrightt
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<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> yo ocamlers
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> you can anotate a definition like `let (x : int) = 69`
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> but what if you wanna annotate a function definition? `let (f x : int -> int) = x + 1`
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> this aint workin
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> you can annotate a definition like `let (x : int) = 69`
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> but of course i can do `let f : int -> int = fun x : int -> x + 1`
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> any other juicyy syntax>
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> any other juicyy syntax?
<discocaml> <yawaramin> `let f (x : int) : int = x + 1` - kinda clunky though. imho the best place to put the type annotations is the interface file. it would look like `val f : int -> int`
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> alrightttt
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> thats a good thing
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> also the `not equal to` operator is cool in ocaml lol `( <> )`
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> = has two same lines... <> has two bent ones
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> haha
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<discocaml> <yawaramin> same as SQL
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> oh is that so im used to using != in sql
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> maybe im not respecting traditions there
<discocaml> <qrpnxz> after `let f : int -> int` there's no reason to annotate `x` you can just
<discocaml> <qrpnxz> `let f : int -> int = fun x -> x + 1`
<discocaml> <qrpnxz> >kinda clunky though
<discocaml> <qrpnxz> crazy
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> lol yeah this is called hindley milner type inference right?
<discocaml> <qrpnxz> no inference here
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> thats what my friends call me
<discocaml> <qrpnxz> you are telling it the type
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> but i havent told the type of x
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> it knows it by function def int -> int
<discocaml> <qrpnxz> yes you did
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> lol okay
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> smart camel
<discocaml> <qrpnxz> oh i see what you mean. I guess it technically does infer the type of `x`, but since you are practically spelling that out when you specify the type of the function, I don't see why make a distinction
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> russell im kinda embarrassed but i have this type `?x:int -> int` how do you not pass a param and skip??
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> and eval it with default?
<discocaml> <qrpnxz> can't
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> ughh then whats the point of default args?
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> understandable
<discocaml> <qrpnxz> you need non-optional arguments here, otherwise it's hella ambiguous
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> alrightt
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> i added a unit parameter and it works
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> kinda clunky
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> but im not blaming
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> its a tricky thing to do
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<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> and tail call recursion is coooooool
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> guys what does ocaml stand for?
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> `Objective caml` alright
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> i guess ML is metalanguage?
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> whats the ca for?
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<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> oops sorry i shouldve checked wikipedia first
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> abstract machine?!
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> sounds cool
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<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> guys guys is there a function that is `('a -> ()) -> 'a -> 'a` and performs f x?
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> im looking for a way to peek through expressions when debugging? like a `tee` function?
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> `let tee f x = f x; x;;` this works im just asking for anything more idiomatic
<discocaml> <._null._> OCaml doesn't define many operators in its standard library. Also, `unit` as a type is called `unit`, `()` is its value
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> alright
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> is there any way to indent `#trace` output?
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> goated feature by the way
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> would be more useful if its indented
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<discocaml> <gooby_clown> This originates from Pascal I believe
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> cool one
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> guys till now all the infix operators could be wrapped in parens and could be used as prefix operator.
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> `69 :: []` works BUT `( :: ) 69 []` doesnt work 11/
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> guys till now all the infix operators could be wrapped in parens and could be used as prefix operator.
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> `69 :: []` works BUT `( :: ) 69 []` doesnt work !!?
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> i need reasons
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> wtfff
<discocaml> <._null._> It's a constructor, it takes its arguments as a comma-separated list
<discocaml> <._null._> Constructors are not functions
<discocaml> <deepspacejohn> (i.e. a tuple)
<discocaml> <._null._> "Tuple" is confusing, because a constructor takes in a "tuple of arguments", but not always a tuple as argument
<discocaml> <._null._> (if you understand tuple as value of a product type)
<discocaml> <octachron> In other words, `(::)(1,[])` works.
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> damnn
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> so infix operators did some pattern match!!
<discocaml> <octachron> `::` is an infix variant constructor rather than an infix operator.
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> if thats the case, when calling this `let (<!>) (x, y) = x + y` like `1 <!> 2` it aint workingg
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> oh so its not an operator. alright i dont even know what a variant constructor is... ill lookup wait a min!
<discocaml> <octachron> In `type num = Int of int | Float of float`, `Int` and `Float` are variant constructors, because they construct values of variant type `num`.
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> adhoc polymorphism!!?!
<discocaml> <._null._> Not sure where you got this, but no
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi>
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> i shouldnt be quoting stack overflow 😭 but here i am
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> ```
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi>
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi>
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> Parametric polymorphism (...), allows a single piece of code to be typed “generically,” using variables in place of actual types, and then instantiated with particular types as needed. Parametric definitions are uniform: all of their instances behave the same. (...)
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi>
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> Ad-hoc polymorphism, by contrast, allows a polymorphic value to exhibit different behaviors when “viewed” at different types. The most common example of ad-hoc polymorphism is overloading, which associates a single function symbol with many implementations; the compiler (or the runtime system, depending on whether overloading resolution is static or dynamic) chooses an appropriate implementation for each application of the funct
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> ```
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> Parametric polymorphism =? same code on many tupes
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> Ad-hoc polymorphism =? different code on many types
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> ??
<discocaml> <._null._> Yes, so where did you get that this snippet showed ad-hoc polymorphism ?
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> `type num = Int of int | Float of float` different ways of construction
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> making an int is different from making a float?
<discocaml> <octachron> OCaml intentionally doesn't have adhoc polymorphism
<discocaml> <octachron> `Int 0` is making a `num`, not an `int`.
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> what is `type num = Int of int | Float of float` then?
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> OH symbols
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> alright makes sense lisp-ish
<discocaml> <._null._> Constructors in our lingo
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> alrightttt
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> so a list is a linked list??
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> [1;2;3] ==> 1 :: 2 :: 3 :: []
<discocaml> <reynir1396> Yes
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> alrightyyy
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> you guys are helping me out a lot
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> ive literally started learning ocaml like a day ago
<discocaml> <reynir1396> There is as well #beginners
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> cool
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> ill shiftt
<discocaml> <gooby_clown> Or #débutants if you are French
<discocaml> <gooby_clown> owo
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<companion_cube> another day, another series of CI failures because is down
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<discocaml> <contificate> another day, another series of c-cube using IRC despite having a Discord account - to retain street cred
<companion_cube> I mute this one channel on discord, indeed :p
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> since ocaml has immutable linked lists, how does it run fast? any compiler magic going on?
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> sudo apt install street_cred
<discocaml> <._null._> Linked lists aren't that slow
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> really?
<discocaml> <._null._> Allocation is also very cheap in OCaml (until some point)
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> how
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> isnt it just malloc?
<discocaml> <contificate> minor heap allocation is bumping a register's value
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> also you cant change them, you gotta cons new lists back up
<discocaml> <contificate> allocation patterns in functional programs also tend to allocate children with their parents, as far as I'm aware
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> thats interesting!!!
<discocaml> <contificate> the slowest thing you can probably do is modify a reference/update a record's `mutable` field under general conditions
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> ocaml is surprisingly faster considering the things it provides
<discocaml> <contificate> OCaml compiles pretty fast as well, which is an underrated feature
<discocaml> <contificate> if it didn't, the idea of opam would be ludicrous
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi>
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> this cool article
<discocaml> <contificate> I also think constant data tends to just be relocated
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> it compiles from source or something?
<discocaml> <contificate> yes, it's a source based package manager
<discocaml> <contificate> that builds things into your switch's subdirectory or something
<discocaml> <contificate> like if you actually had `let xs = [1;2;3]` in a program, the resultant assembly will probably encode that as constant data using labels - I think
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> damn freebsd source tree kinda package manager
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> THATS HARDCORE
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> why is ocaml good at everything
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> god dammit
<discocaml> <contificate> good ideas done well
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> i wish i found it sooner
<discocaml> <._null._> I can confirm ([godbolt](
<discocaml> <contificate> very neat
<discocaml> <._null._> That's the thing with constructors: they aren't functions, only pure data, so you can just have them as data
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> top tier sorcery
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> immutability is such a blessing
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> yeppp
<discocaml> <contificate> the naive compilation would result in code that has to construct the list on the heap
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> we aint naive over here. its OCAML!!! god of parses
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> we aint naive over here. its OCAML!!! god of parsers
<discocaml> <contificate> OCaml has an interesting compiler architecture as well
<discocaml> <contificate> `` is like a simple algorithm but yields good allocations generally
<discocaml> <contificate> whereas register allocators in other compiler back-ends are like thousands of lines of nonsense
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> understandable
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> wat
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> coloring in the sense graph coloring?
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> how is it for allocs?
<discocaml> <contificate> yes, colouring an interference graph
<discocaml> <contificate> register allocations/assignments
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> "who affects who" kinda graph?
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> interesting
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> so they compile down and then optimize?
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> i thought the other way around
<discocaml> <contificate> yes, an approximation of interference: you generally can't use the same register for two temporaries if those temporaries interfere (are live at the same time)
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> such a marvel
<discocaml> <contificate> generally, compilers will have some optimisation at every stage - I don't think OCaml does anything after emission of assembly
<discocaml> <contificate> whereas GCC, LLVM, etc. have peephole passes over a representation of machine instructions, like LLVM's machineoutliner or whatever
<discocaml> <contificate> this is neat though
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<dh`> those peephole passes are for cleaning up stuff that upstream logic did wrong, so... if you do things right you don't really need them
<discocaml> <govindrajpurohit_12689> Hi everone. I'm Govind. I am an outreachy applicant. I don't much experience working with OCaml but I am very happy to learn and make some good contributions and hopefully be good enough to be an intern.
<discocaml> <govindrajpurohit_12689> I am interested in the project Structural diffing algorithm for OCaml libraries API
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<discocaml> <contificate> which, dh?
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<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> interning with Ocaml?
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> wtf is STRUCTURAL DIFFING
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> ima google
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> (-) operator but for trees?
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> cool
<discocaml> <govindrajpurohit_12689> yeah , please help how to start ...
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> i have no authority to tell anything
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> this is what im following
<discocaml> <govindrajpurohit_12689> okay thxs
<discocaml> <softwaresirppi> i have no authority to tell anything (i have the IQ of a bottlecap)
<discocaml> <._null._> Ask around in #outreachy I think
<discocaml> <._null._> Ask around in #outreachy I think (Ok you already did, then idk)
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<discocaml> <._null._> companion_cube: it's back up
<companion_cube> yep, thx
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<discocaml> <qrpnxz> seriously 😆
<discocaml> <qrpnxz> ocaml lists are unbelievably optimized
<discocaml> <deepspacejohn> why wouldn't immutable linked lists run fast? AFAIK, lists specifically aren't optimized more than any other data structure.
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<dh`> linked lists are inherently slow because in general you incur a cache miss on every step
<discocaml> <qrpnxz> cache-locality, for example, wreck them, but OCaml has good allocation patterns
<discocaml> <qrpnxz> cache-locality, for example, but OCaml has good allocation patterns
<dh`> as opposed to iterating an array where you both stay in the same cache line for a while and the hardware prefetcher might be able to pull up the next line for you ahead of time
<dh`> this only becomes the dominant effect if you aren't doing anything else expensive like allocating though
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<masterbuilder> what do you mean inherently? in practice, right? because theoretically one can imagine hardware optimized for graphs, there have even been such machines developed on a small scale
<masterbuilder> it's a bit unfair when people talk about how imperative programming patterns are inherently faster when it's because the hardware is biased
<masterbuilder> but imperative is still inherently faster even in theory because the lower complexity bound tends to be lower when you have ephemeral data structures
<masterbuilder> but it's not a landslide
<companion_cube> It's also because it's easier to make fast imperative hardware, it seems
<masterbuilder> definitely
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<discocaml> <contificate> still, have to factor in environmental nuance: for pretty reasonable `n`, avoiding the write barrier when maintaining some persistent list-like thing is no doubt a good option in OCaml
<discocaml> <contificate> there's a neat paper where they use zipped lists to represent basic blocks in their compiler and got a 10% speedup over their imperative versions which do mutations (
<companion_cube> Yeah it's a bit yikes
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