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<toastal> Has anyone tried to write a Dhall parser for OCaml? Typed configuration can be very nice to have.
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<discocaml> <cemerick> you'd need more than a parser, would need an interpeter, too
<companion_cube> and it needs to be able to load URLs too, iirc…
<olle> Is there a name for the pattern that's not tagless but tagfull rather?
<discocaml> <Kali> what do you mean? there might be an answer, i'm just not sure if i understand the question
<discocaml> <Kali> could you give an example
<octachron> deep embedding
<olle> octachron: Yeah? Googling, thank you
<olle> Kail, search for tagless-final for info :)
<discocaml> <Kali> oh, i see
<discocaml> <Kali> i had read about tagless-final a while ago and forgot about it, i thought you were talking about tagged types
<discocaml> <Kali> nevermind
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<discocaml> <cemerick> toastal: tbc, you can use dhall with OCaml without any additional work simply by using the existing standalone dhall-to-X tools
<discocaml> <cemerick> Looking at the language-oriented implementations, I'm surprised that they all appear to carry their own implementations, rather than linking to an authoritative one
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<companion_cube> that'd require a portable authoritative one
<companion_cube> the main impl is in Haskell, isn't it? not the easiest to reuse from other languages
<discocaml> <cemerick> there's a mature rust impl it seems
<companion_cube> but then you have to export an AST and all that, no?
<discocaml> <cemerick> yeah, there's no getting around that
<discocaml> <cemerick> but that's a minor task compared to getting a parser and interpreter wired up from scratch
<discocaml> <cemerick> which it seems like all of the existing impls do, even those for languages that are really not suited for such things IMO
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<pgiarrusso> OTOH you'd have to export a non-GCed AST into GCed languages, which doesn't sound fun either
<discocaml> <Kakadu> Folks, when we open bisect_ppx report why lines are in three colors? I could guess what green means, but what is the difference between red and white?
<discocaml> <Kakadu> For example, in this:
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<companion_cube> pgiarrusso: better than the opposite, but yeah
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<discocaml> <lukstafi> Anyone going to the OCaml workshop? If yes, do you also go to the full ICFP?
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<discocaml> <cemerick> Do cancellations in eio actually preempt the underlying fiber, or does cancellation just result in the fiber's task being "zombified"? I'd like to have timeouts that actually reclaim resources (CPU/memory) in a reasonable timeframe upon a timeout expiring, ideally without cooperative checking.
<companion_cube> I think if a fiber is stuck in a CPU loop, there's not much you can do
<discocaml> <cemerick> reading, cancellation does seem preemptive and "real", but I can see some ambiguity
<discocaml> <cemerick> companion_cube: eh, figures
<discocaml> <cemerick> I miss the JVM's "unsafe" `Thread.stop()` for such things
<discocaml> <cemerick> I'll run an experiment to check, but I guess multicore still isn't for me 🙃
<companion_cube> but does Thread.stop really work on all architectures??
<discocaml> <cemerick> companion_cube: can't say I've run a JVM with `.stop()` calls on anything other than x86/x64/ppc, but for those, yes
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<companion_cube> that's cool, I wonder how that works
<discocaml> <cemerick> oh, if you mean "architecture" re: uring or not, who knows
<companion_cube> although… I guess pthread_kill actually exists
<companion_cube> no no, you got it right
<discocaml> <cemerick> yeah, killing runaway loops and such is always a thing, it's just a question if the runtime on top allows it, and/or if it blows up "too often" in practice
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<discocaml> <cemerick> hrm, there are some comments away from the official docs that imply runaway cancellations works. Experiment definitely in order.
<companion_cube> please report!
<companion_cube> meanwhile, I'm realizing that I can't make an injective open sum type :(
<companion_cube> `type +'a foo = ..`
<companion_cube> can't use this as a GADT :((((
<discocaml> <cemerick> that mostly makes sense
<companion_cube> `type _ foo += Foo_int : int -> int foo`
<companion_cube> I expected this to work…
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<sadiq> you can no longer have uninterruptible cpu loops in OCaml
<sadiq> (since.. 4.13 I think?)
<sadiq> though I have no idea how cancellations work in Eio
<discocaml> <cemerick> sadiq: really! I'll have to dig through the changelog to see where/when that's guaranteed
<discocaml> <cemerick> about 80 pages of discussion re: cancellation semantics, woof
<discocaml> <cemerick> sadiq: 🙏
<discocaml> <cemerick> sadiq: am I right in thinking that this change is only really relevant within the context of multicore? i.e. it's not like this provides for interrupting loops pre-50
<sadiq> well, it means we can deliver ctrl-c to things we couldn't before
<sadiq> but yes, it's there largely for multicore
<sadiq> I wonder if you can raise an effect from a signal handler.
<discocaml> <cemerick> sounds like "asynchronous exceptions", viz.
<discocaml> <cemerick> (in which I see a comment I left months ago, but had forgotten about ofc 🤦 )
<sadiq> I forgot how long that PR got
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<sadiq> I think if you don't mind using Unix and registering a signal handler you could use a new Domain in multicore and install a signal handler that raises an async exception?
<sadiq> then signal that domain when you want to cancel it
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<discocaml> <cemerick> sadiq: but isnt the point of 11411 that a domain can't be interrupted in that way?
<discocaml> <cemerick> (I haven't read it over again this afternoon tbc)
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