Leonidas changed the topic of #ocaml to: Discussion about the OCaml programming language | http://www.ocaml.org | OCaml 4.13.0 released: https://ocaml.org/releases/4.13.0.html | Try OCaml in your browser: https://try.ocamlpro.com | Public channel logs at https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/ocaml/
<energizer> naively it seems convenient to say `match x with | isprime? -> 1 | _ -> 2`
<energizer> i guess that's the same as `| y when isprime y -> 1`
<energizer> a bit verbose tho since it's not pointfree and needs ` when `
<d_bot> <NULL> That's why `if` is still useful
<dh`> yeah, you can't do that and it's not meant to do that
<companion_cube> energizer: match isprime x with true -> ... | false -> ...
<dh`> you can write type primeness = Prime | Composite, fun check_prime: int -> primeness, and then do match check_prime n with | Prime ... | Composite ...
<dh`> but usually that's just excess verbiage
<dh`> bool is often sufficient, option tends to be sufficient for most cases bool isn't, and sometime ocaml will get a native "either"
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<d_bot> <NULL> Module `Either` and its type `('a, 'b) t = Left of 'a | Right of 'b` already exist
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<d_bot> <concatime> Hi folks. I'm a package maintainer and I'm trying to bootstrap a full-build of dune.
<d_bot> <concatime> That being said, I dont't understand why `OCAMLPATH` is not picked by the bootstrapped dune!
<d_bot> <concatime> You can see what I mean in this CI: https://builds.sr.ht/~iemaghni/job/694055
<rgrinberg> No idea. What if you don't set the profile?
<d_bot> <concatime> The manifest is pretty straight forward: https://builds.sr.ht/api/jobs/694062/manifest
<d_bot> <concatime> ? AFAIK, I'm not setting any profile
<d_bot> <NULL> (Answers aren't reported to IRC, just so you know)
<rgrinberg> This line: --profile=dune-bootstrap
<d_bot> <concatime> Ah, mabad. Nop: https://builds.sr.ht/~iemaghni/job/694065
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<d_bot> <concatime> Okay, I just discovered that v2.9.3 works, but not 3.0.
<d_bot> <concatime> But from https://dune.build/blog/dune-3-plan/ :
<d_bot> <concatime> > Dune will however continue to use the OCAMLPATH variable
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<rgrinberg> Seems like a bug. I'd report it
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<d_bot> <Kakadu> I'm using dune with cram tests. I compile a few executables for this cram tests, and I don't want to install them. How dune decides which projects do these executables belong? It looks like I can't use `(package ...)` stanze, because it is about installation.
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<d_bot> <darrenldl> i think via `public_name`? though i dont remember if you can bundle multiple binaries under the same public_name, but it'd seem unusual
<d_bot> <Kakadu> I don't want to install them. So public_name should be wrong
<adrien> what's the best way to try Eio?
<adrien> well, I guess I'll stick to what's mentioned in its README.md because it's indeed probably better to avoid ocaml 5 for now :P
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<d_bot> <Kakadu> I read somewhere that 4.12+domains was recommended
<adrien> that's what I went for; I'll see later on if I want to change that
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<d_bot> <darrenldl> @Kakadu when you said you dont want to install them, did you mean you have a main project code and you only want to install that?
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<d_bot> <darrenldl> then i think by not putting the test executables in public_name, they cannot be named during installation and are not installed
<d_bot> <KW78> > I’ve also been working on a multicore monorepo 2 that uses the opam-monorepo tool 1 to provide a quick way to get up and running with OCaml 5.00.0+trunk and some of the experiments and libraries in awesome-multicore-ocaml 2 (e.g. the direct-style dream that uses lwt_eio). The idea being you should only need to:
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<ns12> Hello, does Bytes.length have a run time that is independent of the number of bytes given in its argument?
<octachron> Yes. Bytes.t is essentially the mutable array type specialized for char
<companion_cube> It's basically free, yes
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<ns12> Thank you.
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<adrien> is there a way to import a file descriptor from Unix into Eio's world?
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<d_bot> <VPhantom> Speaking of I/O, I'm finally getting to that point in my journey. For reading files, I'm mostly interested in `Unix.mmap_file` and some day perhaps a `Lwt` equivalent. What would be an efficient way to read all of `Unix.stdin` into a bigstring so that I'd get the same structure to read from as `Unix.mmap_file`? Just a good old loop of `Unix.read` into a manually-growing bigstring?
<d_bot> <VPhantom> (I'd read directly from stdin but I need to "rewind" a bit sometimes, which stdio isn't suitable for AFAIK.)
<d_bot> <VPhantom> Hm, actually loading the file into `bytes` would work just as well, I can read from both types.
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<d_bot> <hcarty> @VPhantom It depends on what you're trying to read. Last time I looked - which was a long while ago! - mmap didn't work well with Lwt because it doesn't have a way to perform non-blocking reads and writes
<d_bot> <hcarty> What kind of values are you trying to manipulate?
<d_bot> <VPhantom> I'm learning in general but short-term I'm going to read and write files in a few formats which I'm converting between (namely ANSI EDI X12 and a custom Protobuf structure).
<d_bot> <VPhantom> I'll avoid stdio for now and just operate directly on files. I don't use Lwt for now so I intend to mmap for reading. For writing, I just need to create a file and append data to it so channels or file descriptors will be fine.
<d_bot> <VPhantom> I'll want to figure out how to load files in memory eventually though, because that's very likely going to be needed down the road. (Template files and what not.) I hadn't looked at `Lwt_bytes` and `Lwt_io` closely yet; didn't think mmap for reading would be an issue there.
<d_bot> <hcarty> I wrote <https://github.com/hcarty/lwt-binio/blob/master/src/lwt_binio.mli> a while ago when I ran into the mmap issue and needed random access to values in a file
<d_bot> <VPhantom> Thanks, I'm checking it out right now.
<d_bot> <VPhantom> In my case I _almost_ read my input sequentially but there's a few instances of reading too much and rewinding a bit, hence why I scrapped the stdin idea.
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<companion_cube> @VPhantom: if the files are not ginormous, reading them to memory is probably fast enough™
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<d_bot> <VPhantom> That's what I'm betting on. This is a batch tool so as long as memory use stays decent, I'm good. I just need to figure out a decent way to load a file into `bytes` and vice versa.
<d_bot> <VPhantom> (I'm scrapping the mmap idea for now because I'll need `bytes` for `ocaml-protoc` anyway.)
<companion_cube> I forget if there's a stdlib function for that now
<d_bot> <VPhantom> Funny, there's an `in_channel.ml` in the Stdlib but I can't find it in the namespaces available in `utop`. 🤔
<companion_cube> not sure it's released yet
<companion_cube> anyway, my personal solution is `CCIO.with_in "foo" CCIO.read_all`
<d_bot> <VPhantom> Oh wow Septembre 2021, I see yeah.
<d_bot> <VPhantom> Thanks, I'll check that out.
<d_bot> <VPhantom> `try while true do ... raise Exit done with Exit -> ...` I would never have thought of doing a "read-it-all" loop like that! 😱
<companion_cube> :D
<companion_cube> these days I use `let continue = ref true in while !continue do … done`
<companion_cube> but you know, same difference.
<d_bot> <VPhantom> I managed to miss `Bytes.extend` when I played with those last month. Sounds much better than creating a new one every time I need to grow.
<companion_cube> hu, didn't know it either
<companion_cube> I mean it still allocates
<d_bot> <VPhantom> Oh, nevermind, it still creates a new `Bytes.t` and blits to it anyway, in all cases.
<d_bot> <Anurag> extend creates a new bytes behind the scenes and then uses blit to copy things over
<d_bot> <VPhantom> I thought it might've used `realloc()` or something when only extending on the right.
<companion_cube> it's just simpler than create + blit
<d_bot> <VPhantom> I still think a bit too much in C terms. 😉
<companion_cube> well, the GC doesn't have realloc afaik :)
<d_bot> <VPhantom> Yeah, I thought I might've seen a realloc somewhere for growing Bigarrays but I can't find it now so it must've been wishful thinking. 😛
<companion_cube> ah, but bigarrays are different
<companion_cube> they're in the C heap I think.
<d_bot> <VPhantom> Of course, yes.
<companion_cube> which is why they're pinned and can be passed to C blabla
<d_bot> <VPhantom> bla indeed.
<d_bot> <VPhantom> Just curious, since you do a final copy anyway in your `read_all`, why not read into a `Buffer.t` and then get `bytes` out of that at the end?
<d_bot> <VPhantom> (…instead of hermit crab'ing growing bytes along the way)
<d_bot> <Anurag> @VPhantom you probably saw `realloc` in core. They have functions that perform that operation for their bigstring
<d_bot> <VPhantom> Possibly.
<sleepydog> @VPhantom what do you want to eventually do with the data?
<d_bot> <VPhantom> In this case, feed it to a Protobuf decoder which requires `bytes` input. The other decoder can take various things as input (bigstring, bytes, buffer, string) but I'll stick to bytes.
<sleepydog> ah ok. I like the approach of reading into a `Buffer.t` and pulling your bytes out of that when you're done.
<d_bot> <VPhantom> @Anurag Yup, that must be it.
<d_bot> <VPhantom> @sleepydog: Yeah that's what I might do, although I just realized if I'm not bothering with `stdin` I might as well use the file's length to create an appropriately-sized `bytes` from the start and loop-read into that.
<sleepydog> ah right, you said you ditched the mmap idea
<companion_cube> @VPhantom: because I can't get the bytes out of Buffer
<d_bot> <VPhantom> For now yes. I'd love to read that way but since half my formats require bytes anyway, might as well just use those uniformly for now.
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<companion_cube> I guess I could use `contents`, but well, it's simpler in this particular case to grow it myself
<d_bot> <VPhantom> @companion_cube There's `Buffer.to_bytes` which copies to achieve it.
<d_bot> <VPhantom> …but I think your `Bytes.sub_string` copies as well. 🤔
<companion_cube> also, at the time, Buffer.input (or whatever) was broken
<companion_cube> yes
<companion_cube> reading into the buffer was hard
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<companion_cube> I fixed that in the stdlib years ago but my code is still compatible with 4.03
<companion_cube> anyway, at this point, fuck Buffer
<d_bot> <VPhantom> I see, yes.
<sleepydog> i missed the memo, what's wrong with Buffer?
<d_bot> <VPhantom> Yeah I know where you stand on Buffer. 😉
<companion_cube> look at Buffer.add_channel, it's weird
<sleepydog> the implementation?
<companion_cube> sleepydog: the API too restrictive and apparently no one cares
<d_bot> <VPhantom> There was a pull request from ccube which didn't go well.
<sleepydog> raises Invalid_argument if len < 0 or len > Sys.max_string_length -- huh?
<companion_cube> yeah I'm angry about the PR
<d_bot> <VPhantom> I thought it was quite reasonable but hey I'm new here.
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<d_bot> <VPhantom> (I'm wondering if blitting from an mmaped input file to bytes would be simpler than a DIY reading loop…)
<sleepydog> but then you're back to only supporting files. as a lover of unix pipes I must object! :)
<companion_cube> or unix sockets
<sleepydog> unix sockets are mmap-able?
<companion_cube> no, no
<sleepydog> ah, sorry, misread
<companion_cube> just saying reading loops are nice.
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<d_bot> <VPhantom> Even my loop would need the size of its input, the way I'm looking at things, to allocate one bytes of exactly the right size from the start. I agree that supporting stdio would be nice, but I'm cutting a few corners right now due to a deadline.
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<d_bot> <VPhantom> Lots of `(* TODO ... *)` comments peppered around. 😛
<companion_cube> do you _know_ it'll be too slow if you just use `CCIO.read_all`?
<d_bot> <VPhantom> Oh, no Sir! But I'm not pulling in Containers _yet_ so this is a DIY function.
<companion_cube> didn't you mention a deadline? 🙃
<d_bot> <VPhantom> hehehe
<sleepydog> :)
<d_bot> <VPhantom> I might make more sense tomorrow. Time to call it a day!
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<d_bot> <Guy Moquet> just wondering why there are no `List.reduce` in stdlib
<d_bot> <Guy Moquet> is it because it'ss a bad practice? The stdlib yet contains many functions that throw exceptions
<sleepydog> reduce is the same as fold, right?
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<sleepydog> there is List.fold_{left, right}
<d_bot> <NULL> fold with no default and an exception if the list is empty
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<d_bot> <glennsl> doesn't seem all that useful when you can just combine `hd` and `tl` with a `fold` to accomplish the same.
<sleepydog> e.g. `let reduce f l = List.(fold_left f (hd l) (tl l))
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<d_bot> <Guy Moquet> ah yes of course, thank
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