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<RegularSpatula> Has anyone done much work with pyml for wrapping python libraries? I was looking at ocaml sklearn bindings and apparently they are generated automatically with this ~4000 line python script: For anyone who has made ocaml bindings to python (or any other language), is it common to autogenerate the ocaml code like that?
<EduardoRFS> why does value restriction apply to the following function?
<EduardoRFS> ```ocaml
<EduardoRFS> let false_: 'a -> 'b -> 'b = assert false
<EduardoRFS> let v = false_ ()
<EduardoRFS> ```
<EduardoRFS> There is any possible unsoundness on it? Or is it just an accident of OCaml value restriction implementation?
<EduardoRFS> Also, will typed effects effectively "solve" the value restriction? As now we can track if a function is pure or not
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that's no "accident", more like the very point of value restriction: `false_ ()` is not a value (and it's not covariant either), so its type can't be generalised
re. typed effects: typing algebraic effects won't solve this, as there's still an opportunity to introduce side effects without using algebraic effects at all
<EduardoRFS> Like? I was looking on Leo's talk, and it seems like you can only put all mutability with an effect of `[io]` which on his talk is an implicit effect of the arrow
<EduardoRFS> so a -> a actually means a -[io]> b, which seems to remove any opportunity for mutation
<EduardoRFS> the point of value restriction is to avoid unsoundness through mutability, sure, but there is any unsoundness possible on the type described being partially applied?
<EduardoRFS> If not, my argument is that it is an accident of value restriction, just another case of value restriction being too restrict
the name "value restriction" means "if you're syntactivally not a value, then you're not generalized"
indeed the goal is to avoid unsoundness, and indeed you could on the principle avoid the same unsoundness with a more relaxed criterion
(adding "covariant variables can still be generalised" is one of those relaxings)
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<EduardoRFS> oh that's exactly what I wanted to search, thank you
and yes the type '_b -> '_b itself would be unsound to generalise a priori: `let f = let r = ref None in fun x -> (r := Some x; x)` has the same type, and applying it as `f (); f 42` would be unsound
<EduardoRFS> oh you're right, that's exactly the case I was looking
It looks like `match ... with | exception Not_found -> Error ...` triggers a deprecation warning now :'(
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<EduardoRFS> hmmm if we could move the forall it would be safe right? Similar to how you can pack it on a record with universal quantification for that.
<EduardoRFS> ```ocaml
<EduardoRFS> val false_: 'a. 'a -> 'b. 'b -> 'b = assert false
<EduardoRFS> ```
Leonidas: looks like you're using Core and it deprecates Not_found itself
Eduardo: yes, it would work
compare: `let f : 'a -> < x : 'b -> 'b > = assert false;; let x = f ()` with `let f : 'a -> < x : 'b. 'b -> 'b > = assert false;; let x = f ()`
generalisation happens for free variables, if you quantify them they become bound and there's no need for generalisation anymor
(another way to see it: "_weak. _weak -> _weak" would make no sense)
<EduardoRFS> yeah that's what I thought, just trying to understand the advantages of moving the forall
<EduardoRFS> oh didn't knew that you could do universal quantification with objects, most of the time I do it with records
for trying stuff, objects are slightly less verbose
(for this purpose specifically I mean)
<EduardoRFS> yeah but sadly you cannot unbox them right?
<EduardoRFS> yeah you cannot
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