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<jonpsy[m]> ho-ho-ho, when are your holidays starting?
<shrit[m]> already started for me
<jonpsy[m]> oh! You're still in Ireland?
<jonpsy[m]> last we talked you were planning to go back to France
<shrit[m]> Yes
<shrit[m]> Next week
<shrit[m]> Going back only for holidays
<jonpsy[m]> Good to hear!
<jonpsy[m]> How long are holidays usually here?
<jonpsy[m]> till new year i guess?
<shrit[m]> It depends, some people are still working
<shrit[m]> people are usually take this period untill the 7 on January
<jonpsy[m]> Oh I see
<jonpsy[m]> hows the covid situation in France btw, I've heard omicron cases have bene surging
<jonpsy[m]> s/bene/been/
<shrit[m]> I have no idea, I need to go back and see. While, I hate these holidays, because, you will be luck if you do not catch the virus
<shrit[m]> lucky*
<shrit[m]> You tend to see a lot of people, and basically a lot of my famly members have been recently sick there, but no one got tested
<shrit[m]> so we do not know of it is the Covid of something else, but it is probably Covid
<jonpsy[m]> shrit[m]: I hope not
<jonpsy[m]> Although chances of it turning critical are low, its not 0.
<jonpsy[m]> especially for elder citizens
<shrit[m]> All of them are vaccinated, technically, if it is Covid that will prevent then from catching the same variant twice
<shrit[m]> I have no idea of the exposure and how well the vaccine are doing, the main issue we do not know if an older persone catch the virus whether they will transmit it or not for other younger vaccinated people
<jonpsy[m]> Vaccinated people can be a host for the virus afaik
<jonpsy[m]> so, although it wont affect them, it could pass on to others, yes.
<shrit[m]> this should be no problem if all of us are vaccinated
<jonpsy[m]> yeah....
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