rcurtin_irc changed the topic of #mlpack to: mlpack: a scalable machine learning library (https://www.mlpack.org/) -- channel logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/mlpack -- NOTE: messages sent here might not be seen by bridged users on matrix, gitter, or slack
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<heisenbuugGopiMT> Is it a good idea to enable ssh from outside networks?
<heisenbuugGopiMT> I know it depends on your requirement, but I think if I do in any case then I have to keep a watch on network security as well.
<heisenbuugGopiMT> I don't have a hardcore requirement to do this, just wanted to try.
<zoq[m]1> In any case you have to maintain the machine, install the latest security patches etc. Also usually I don't use the default ssh port, and install fail2ban.
<heisenbuugGopiMT> It's a
<heisenbuugGopiMT> rasberrypi
<heisenbuugGopiMT> I install arch on my Pi 4
<zoq[m]1> I mean that is independent from the system and machine.
<heisenbuugGopiMT> Yea let's see.
<heisenbuugGopiMT> If I plan to host a website or API from this, then I do have to open it for outside networks, right?
<zoq[m]1> Yes and maybe put it into a vlan or something.
<heisenbuugGopiMT> Do you recommend any others tools or things that I should keep in mind while hosting an API?
<zoq[m]1> I mean people use iptables and similar things, that you could look into.
<heisenbuugGopiMT> Okay, I will these.
<shrit[m]> no one is joining?
<rcurtin[m]> I'm really sorry, I am too underwater today
<rcurtin[m]> (this month is super over-busy for me... January will be better)
<zoq[m]1> I could join in a bit, still in another meeting
<rcurtin[m]> by the way jonpsy and others, here's the NumFOCUS summit agenda:
<rcurtin[m]> however they asked me not to share the zoom links fully publicly, so if you do want to attend just send a ping and I can get you the link 👍️
<heisenbuugGopiMT> Okay, Thank you.
<zoq[m]1> > I've passively been observing the mlpack community for a bit and I want to take a more active role in contributing to what's required. I've look at the pointers to start with on the webpage, but any other specific suggestions on how and where I can begin with navigating the codebase and begin contributing??
<zoq[m]1> > Thanks a tonne! :)
<zoq[m]1> > <@_slack_mlpack_U01MGPPPJ8K:matrix.org> Hey everyone. I'm Anind, and I'm a senior studying Computer Science. I really hoped to make it to the meeting today but due to some teething issues I was unable to :/
<zoq[m]1> Unless you don't find an interesting issue to work on, we are always open for new additions and extensions of existing methods.
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