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<Sirish07Sirish[m> I am Sirish Gambhira, a final year Electronics major student. I have been following mlpack installation, documentation for the past week and found it interesting. I shall try to contribute to mlpack issues. Hoping to interact with you all soon :)
<Sirish07Sirish[m> Hey everyone,
<heisenbuugGopiMT> Hii Sirish, you can start working on issues which are tagged as good first issues. You can ping here for help anytime if you face any errors.
<heisenbuugGopiMT> Welcome to mlpack.
<Sirish07Sirish[m> Sure, thanks.
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<Sirish07Sirish[m> I want to run cf_test.cpp using the command`./bin/mlpack_test -n CFTest`. Am I doing this the right way? If so, I am getting error like: `Cannot load test dataset boston_housing_price.csv!`. How to set the paths for test data? Thanks in advance :)
<Sirish07Sirish[m> s/I want to run cf_test.cpp using the command`./bin/mlpack_test -n CFTest`. Am I doing this the right way? If so, I am getting error like: `Cannot load test dataset boston_housing_price.csv!`. How to set the paths for test data? Thanks in advance :)/I want to run cf_test.cpp using the command`./bin/mlpack_test -n CFTest`. Am I doing this the right way? If so, I am getting error like: `Cannot load test dataset
<Sirish07Sirish[m> boston_housing_price.csv!`. How to set the paths for test data? Any help is highly appreciated. /
<zoq[m]1> <Sirish07Sirish[m> "I want to run cf_test.cpp..." <- Can you check if `boston_housing_price.csv` exists in the build folder.
<Sirish07Sirish[m> s/I want to run cf_test.cpp using the command`./bin/mlpack_test -n CFTest`. Am I doing this the right way? If so, I am getting error like: `Cannot load test dataset boston_housing_price.csv!`. How to set the paths for test data? Thanks in advance :)/I want to run cf_test.cpp using the command`./bin/mlpack_test -n CFTest`. Am I doing this the right way? If so, I am getting error like: `Cannot load test dataset
<Sirish07Sirish[m> boston_housing_price.csv!`. How to set the paths for test data? Any help is highly appreciated. /
<Sirish07Sirish[m> s/I want to run cf_test.cpp using the command`./bin/mlpack_test -n CFTest`. Am I doing this the right way? If so, I am getting error like: `Cannot load test dataset boston_housing_price.csv!`. How to set the paths for test data? Thanks in advance :)/I want to run cf_test.cpp using the command`./bin/mlpack_test -n CFTest`. Am I doing this the right way? If so, I am getting error like: `Cannot load test dataset
<Sirish07Sirish[m> boston_housing_price.csv!`. How to set the paths for test data? Any help is highly appreciated. /
<Sirish07Sirish[m> Yes, it does exists.
<Sirish07Sirish[m> * does exists. Just a comment, my build folder lies outside the mlpack folder.
<zoq[m]1> Okay, so when you run the command the data should exist in the same folder where you run the command from. Usually its the build folder but if you moved the bin folder to another location, make sure you move the data as well.
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<zoq[m]1> Since we talked about Vowpal Wabbit - https://github.com/microsoft/SynapseML
<jonpsy[m]> hm I do see some of the Vowpal wabbit dev's there.
<jonpsy[m]> btw Apple just released several open source projects
<shrit[m]> jonpsy[m]: maybe they feel guilt
<jonpsy[m]> exactly my thought
<jonpsy[m]> but ive noticed open-source is in vogue these days
<shrit[m]> more guilt
<shrit[m]> I just want to know what is the amount of open source code each company uses
<shrit[m]> this statistics might be very interesting
<jonpsy[m]> shrit[m]: yeah i think this is why free-softwares groups tend to distinguish themselves with open-source
<zoq[m]1> jonpsy[m]: Isn't that just a redesign of the old website, because they have the page for a long time, it's not that they released anything.
<shrit[m]> that what I understood
<shrit[m]> all of them were already open source
<zoq[m]1> Also, for most of the projects, they actually have to contribute back, because of the license.
<jonpsy[m]> ah i think i got it wrong.
<zoq[m]1> So it's not that Apple decided to do that.
<shrit[m]> probably already open source, just people maintaining these project were hired by apple
<jonpsy[m]> jonpsy[m]: but still, the point remains that they're leaning towards open-source
<shrit[m]> I have never seen a comapny that would lean toward open source unless if they were making a ton of money out of it
<zoq[m]1> I would argue against it, Apple is one of the few companies that only contributed back when they have to.
<zoq[m]1> Look at Microsoft , they actually made some software available on GitHub.
<shrit[m]> also seeing how they package their Macbook, it is easier to mend you house or your car rather than upgrade your macbook memory
<jonpsy[m]> shrit[m]: ofcourse there's profit when lots of talented developers are willing to contribute to your project for free
<zoq[m]1> shrit[m]: I mean just think about it, Apple actively hinders Linux support.
<zoq[m]1> There is no Linux support for the M1.
<zoq[m]1> Same for Windows.
<shrit[m]> zoq[m]1: this is another software issue
<shrit[m]> which makes things worse of course
<shrit[m]> jonpsy[m]: Not really, competitors are everywhere, and people can see opportunity in having a free to use software. Billions are made of apple software each year, it is the only thing they build in addition to their hardware. They do not have a cloud services, and they are not moving fast at all compared to Tesla or SpaceX.
<shrit[m]> If their entire software is open source, they will not stay for long time in the market
<jonpsy[m]> its not like they're open-sourcing their internal tools
<zoq[m]1> But you say, that but Tesla or SpaceX doesn't release anything either.
<shrit[m]> I mean everyone copied the way IPhones are packaged
<jonpsy[m]> even when they decide to open-source their tools, they have a different ver. in their company
<shrit[m]> at least they are open about their patent
<zoq[m]1> And SpaceX, isn't looking good either, I think Elon said that they have money for two more Starship tries?
<jonpsy[m]> govt./NASA will always bail him out
<zoq[m]1> I don't think so, why should they do that? It's a public funded organization, and they go for the "cheapest" bid.
<zoq[m]1> Also Rocket Lab is already waiting for it, they have a much cheaper reusable rocket.
<jonpsy[m]> jonpsy[m]: im basing that on his track recor of getting it
<zoq[m]1> Sure, but that was already a controversial topic, Blue origin was raised a lawsuit, okay they lost, but at the end it was because that what SpaceX proposed seemed like the better option.
<jonpsy[m]> SpaceX is kinda the favs for space travel atm
<zoq[m]1> I would say only in the US.
<jonpsy[m]> the only rival im seeing is China's space travel agency, & Blue origin is okay too i guess
<zoq[m]1> India, Russia, Europe they all have a fantastic space program.
<jonpsy[m]> true, but, India suffer from lack of funding. Russia was one of the best before, idk what they're doing these days, Europe space agency, I haven't seen anything popular yet
<jonpsy[m]> Chinese's one has excellent funding and they're catching up pretty fast. I voted there, imho it shouldnt be govt. lead it should be international
<shrit[m]> ESA is a sleep
<shrit[m]> it has always been that way
<shrit[m]> Also frankly, I would not want the EU government to fund Space travel
<zoq[m]1> shrit[m]: Hm, Ariane looks pretty good to me.
<zoq[m]1> shrit[m]: Why is that?
<shrit[m]> looking about half of the EU countries are bankrupts in the eastren and southern side. Frankly there is much more important things to focus on.
<shrit[m]> Research budget has been decreasing drastically in France in the last 20 years,
<shrit[m]> Universites used to be free for everyone, now in France all international should pay as it is for the UK
<zoq[m]1> shrit[m]: hehe, couldn't you say that about the US as well? They have a huge amount of dept, and is probably in the top ten.
<shrit[m]> Well defense budget are increasing after we sold 80 Rafales for UAE
<jonpsy[m]> shrit[m]: this...is true. Communism ://
<shrit[m]> Half of IT sector in France is either Nuclear or defense
<zoq[m]1> shrit[m]: But again compared to the US, that system kinda works, everyone likes to study in the US nowadays.
<shrit[m]> Yeah, but these universities are good, in France universites are worthless
<shrit[m]> people goes to school in France not to unversities
<zoq[m]1> Because they are underfunded I guess?
<shrit[m]> how many we have in Top 10
<shrit[m]> no because Napeleon created 2 educational system
<zoq[m]1> So the solution they came up with is to go the US/UK way.
<jonpsy[m]> shrit[m]: bonaparte?
<shrit[m]> yes
<jonpsy[m]> the liberator, right??
<shrit[m]> zoq[m]1: most of them are european countries
<jonpsy[m]> didnt knew he affected education system
<shrit[m]> long story
<jonpsy[m]> well thanks! I'll google about that
<jonpsy[m]> always nice to read up histor
<zoq[m]1> " It’s a long-held belief that the French education system is one of the best in the world. It is not only the greatest but also one of the most successful educational systems in the world. France was a pioneer in revolutionizing its educational system." I guess that is just not true anymore :)
<shrit[m]> this was stated which century?
<shrit[m]> I do not think it is in the last 20 years
<zoq[m]1> Good question, this is from the article I posted.
<Sirish07Sirish[m> Yeah, my build folder contains the datasets and the bin folder. I am running the commands from build folder. Yet, unable to resolve the issue.
<zoq[m]1> Sirish07Sirish[m: So your build folder, looks like this - https://gist.github.com/zoq/2dac077003399f312a6dd71e25e70efe
<Sirish07Sirish[m> yeah exactly
<shrit[m]> Frankly, I like the space programs a lot, but looking at the state of the world, were billionaire might spent billions of dollar to see the earth from space or buying 80 Eafales rather than providing health care for Americans or resolve the housing crisis in Europe, and fight the climate change back, it is really stupid funding I guess.
<shrit[m]> s/Eafales/Rafales/
<zoq[m]1> zoq[m]1: And you run the command within the build folder with `bin/mlpack_test "[CFTest]"`?
<jonpsy[m]> oh btw
<jonpsy[m]> ive been hearing that a French politician, I forgot her name was gaining popularity, she's right wing
<Sirish07Sirish[m> `bin/mlpack_test "[CFTest]"` did not give the above error. All test cases are passed. However, when I run `bin/mlpac_test -n CFTest`, the errors showed up.
<jonpsy[m]> jonpsy[m]: Marine le pen
<Sirish07Sirish[m> * showed up. Thank you.
<zoq[m]1> Sirish07Sirish[m: where does the `-n` option come from?
<shrit[m]> jonpsy[m]: She is from the past, google Zemmour if you want to know how much the situation is getting worse
<zoq[m]1> zoq[m]1: Wondering if that is mentioned in some documentation.
<jonpsy[m]> shrit[m]: so he's competing against Marine?
<Sirish07Sirish[m> When, I tried bin/mlpack_test -h, it showed -n option to run individual test suite. Since I was new to this, I was still figuring out how to run CFTest alone.
<shrit[m]> against everyone
<jonpsy[m]> jonpsy[m]: I've heard Marine has a lineage associated with her. Idk who though, but someone famous
<jonpsy[m]> someone bad actually**
<shrit[m]> her father?
<jonpsy[m]> i guess, yeah
<jonpsy[m]> i think he was anti-semite?
<shrit[m]> Her father is not my generation
<Sirish07Sirish[m> I couldn't find much documentation on how to run test suites on the website as well.
<shrit[m]> I have no idea
<zoq[m]1> Sirish07Sirish[m: Thanks for the info, since it's reporting some error, it at least runs the test, will see if I can reproduce the issue.
<Sirish07Sirish[m> s/I couldn't find much documentation on how to run test suites on the website as well./I couldn't find much (detailed) documentation on how to run test suites on the website./
<zoq[m]1> Sirish07Sirish[m: https://github.com/mlpack/mlpack/wiki/Testing-Guidelines has some additional information and also links to the Catch2 documentation, which is the framework we use to write/run tests.
<jonpsy[m]> shrit[m]: yeah so from what I recall, she denounced much of her father's political views & promised more neutral outlook. And that she beleieves in free speech and a models after post revolution french
<jonpsy[m]> or atleast thats what my youtube venture tells me
<shrit[m]> She is stupid, do not get me wrong, she should not do politic
<shrit[m]> the issue they are issue of meritocracy
<shrit[m]> you can not inherit a political party
<shrit[m]> this does make sense if you are not in a democracy otherwise this has no place in democratic country
<shrit[m]> as if Trump gave his son the Republican party
<jonpsy[m]> I think the same happened with Hilary?
<shrit[m]> this is even better to understand the country
<jonpsy[m]> <shrit[m]> "her father?" <- ok i remembered he dismissed holocaust & nazi occupation of france
<Sirish07Sirish[m> Awesome, thanks :)
<jonpsy[m]> <shrit[m]> "https://www.quora.com/Why-are-..."; <- okay so basically rich people have better resources to study which gets them higher chances to their progeny to get enrolled in elite colleges and this repeats every generation?
<Sirish07Sirish[m> I missed out wiki page, my bad.
<shrit[m]> jonpsy[m]: Yes and No,
<zoq[m]1> Sirish07Sirish[m: No, it should be mentioned in the main documentation.
<zoq[m]1> That is one thing we should do.
<shrit[m]> Because we do not tell poor people how to succeed in life. But the best things in the country including educational infrastructure, professors, resources are reserved for a small portion of people, not particularly extremely wealthy, mostly well informed and have well connections. These people are like new Nobles.
<shrit[m]> And then it is lower depending on location, family connections, etc..
<shrit[m]> so parents and family history counts ALOT, for everything, even how to get into school, university, loans, credits, etc...
<jonpsy[m]> well, isn't that the case everywhere though?
<jonpsy[m]> I think the problem here is social mobility is stagnated, not just in France but most of Europe and the declining population isn't helping the case
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<shrit[m]> jonpsy: Well it is not stagnated at all, it gives you this impression beacause some people do not talking about it and they intentionally publish it as a taboo so they can keep all priviledge
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