changed the topic of #mlpack to: -- We don't respond instantly... but we will respond. Give it a few minutes. Or hours. -- Channel logs:
Ugrastil has joined #mlpack
Ugrastil has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
gmanlan has joined #mlpack
< gmanlan>
@rcurtin, you there?
< rcurtin>
yeah, I'm here, what's up?
< rcurtin>
hopefully we have a few minutes before the spambots hit again :)
< gmanlan>
< gmanlan>
< gmanlan>
%APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER% contains a full clone of the repo?
< gmanlan>
I need to refer a repo directory from build_script @ .appveyor.yml
< rcurtin>
I'm not actually sure, I think it might\
< rcurtin>
ah, right, "APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER - path to clone directory"
< rcurtin>
so that should have a whole clone
< gmanlan>
< gmanlan>
I'm working on #365
< gmanlan>
almost ready, but let's see how appveyor behaves
< rcurtin>
sweet! :)
< rcurtin>
it's been a really long time since anyone's looked into that one, if you solve it it would be great :)
< gmanlan>
u1dzer017 has joined #mlpack
u1dzer017 has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
tacocat9 has joined #mlpack
tacocat9 has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
< gmanlan>
do you have access to install the WiX Toolset in appveyor?
< rcurtin>
if you have an idea for something we could do to help here in this channel, I'd be happy to try, but I'd be afraid of affecting people who use webchat
< rcurtin>
like, i.e., if we mute non-registered nicks, I think anyone who comes in via webchat won't be able to say anything
< zoq>
Mute non-registered nicks is what the freenode folks suggested as well:
< zoq>
christel@freenode/staff/exherbo.christel) : [Global Notice] Hi all, we are aware of the current spambot attacks, and we would encourage users to set themselves +R and channel operators to set +r in the channels while the attack is ongoing. While our mitigating efforts are catching the vast majority at the gate, a small proportion still make it through. Apologies for the inconvenience and please bear with us
< zoq>
as we do our best to minimize impact.
< zoq>
perhaps there is some irssi feature
witness has joined #mlpack
< rcurtin>
right, I'm sure I can filter the bots in irssi, but the +r solution I think would mute webchat people (which I think is a pretty decent number of people who come in here)
< zoq>
It's somewhat quiet now, so maybe we don't have to do anything.