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< kirizaki_> hi, how I should compile my test cases in bash using g++?
< kirizaki_> I'm gettint a lot of errors: i.e. undefined reference to 'boost::unit_test:framework' etc.
< kirizaki_> ok, nevermind, I had wrong #include <boost...> command
< rcurtin> kirizaki_: can you explain what you mean?
< rcurtin> if you made some test cases you should be able to use cmake and make to compile mlpack normally
< rcurtin> and to build the test you would use 'make mlpack_test'
< kirizaki_> ok, I did 'make mlpack_test' and wanted to run all the tests by 'make test'
< kirizaki_> but its stopping at: 'AugLagrangian on iteration 18, starting with objective 29.6339.'
< kirizaki_> i'm not sure what i'm doing wrong and how to add my already prepared timers_test.cpp
< rcurtin> kirizaki_: try running just your test; after 'make mlpack_test', run 'bin/mlpack_test -t NameOfYourTestSuite'
< rcurtin> where "NameOfYourTestSuite" is whatever is in the BOOST_AUTO_TEST_SUITE() macro in timers_test.cpp
< rcurtin> zoq mentioned this last night, but you'd left the channel, and then I borked the IRC logs...
< kirizaki_> ok, thank You and sorry for yesterday but I had some problems with web
< rcurtin> not a problem, don't worry :)
< rcurtin> if we can help further, feel free to ask :)
< kirizaki_> ok
< kirizaki_> Ryan, should I close this one and make a new pull request?
< kirizaki_> i'm still learning git too ;f
< rcurtin> kirizaki_: it's your call... it might be easier that way
< rcurtin> one idea would be to get a clean fork of mlpack ("kirizaki/mlpack"), then apply your changes to that, then make a pull request
< rcurtin> but, if that's too much work, I can work with git to make this PR work :)
< kirizaki_> nah, i'm gonna go with 1st idea ;)
< rcurtin> okay, sounds good
< kirizaki_> i need to practice
< kirizaki_> xD
< kirizaki_> so i'm gonna put 'duplcate timer' test straight into cli_test.cpp, ok?
< rcurtin> yep, that'd work great
< rcurtin> feel free to add your name/email to src/mlpack/core.hpp and COPYRIGHT.txt in your PR, otherwise I'll do it after the merge, and I'll add your name to the list of contributors on the website too
< kirizaki_> is this comparing changes should be looking like this:
< rcurtin> that looks okay; try it and we can look at the diff :)
< kirizaki_> i mean base: master ... compare: master
< rcurtin> yeah, assuming that Kirizaki/mlpack was forked from the current mlpack/mlpack master branch, it should be good
< kirizaki_> i think i forked from master
< rcurtin> looks great, merging now
< kirizaki_> yup, but i see that Travis test doesn't pass
< kirizaki_> i don't understand this to be onest but if You say its good then its good :)
< rcurtin> ah, oops, I didn't look at that. because the travis test often fails on various mlpack tests that I haven't debugged yet, I don't look at it so often... let me debug this quickly
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#357 (master - 4e4588e : Ryan Curtin): The build has errored.
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#358 (master - af2e6e8 : Ryan Curtin): The build has errored.
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< kirizaki_> ok, i know!
< kirizaki_> i forgot about one line in timers.cpp
< kirizaki_> 'std::map<std::string, bool> Timer::timerState;'
< kirizaki_> i didn't initialize a timerState var
< rcurtin> yeah, I'm testing a fix now... I think timerState should be in the Timers class, not the Timer class
< rcurtin> realistically the "Timer" class is just a wrapper that calls the singleton Timers class
< rcurtin> it doesn't store any state, so it makes sense to put the timerState map in Timers, which does store state
< kirizaki_> i thought so but i forgot to ask
< rcurtin> er, bad paste, sorry
< rcurtin> there, that one is the changes I made, let me know if I messed anything up. it compiles and passes all the tests
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#359 (master - a435e75 : Ryan Curtin): The build failed.
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< kirizaki_> ok, its working in here too
< kirizaki_> thanks and im going to sleep, 4h of sleep before boring job and later back to coding :D
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