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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#336 (master - c3b6a9b : ryan): The build passed.
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#337 (master - 9bd2063 : ryan): The build was broken.
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< kirizaki> hi, I'm testing timer class
< kirizaki> and there is that information
< kirizaki> Note: Undefined behavior will occur if a timer is started twice
< kirizaki> so i did It
< kirizaki> and it looks like timer's counter is full
< kirizaki> screen shot
< kirizaki> I will take a look under the mask of timer class and maybe try to do something to prevent this situation?
< kirizaki> or maybe someone already did it?
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< rcurtin> kirizaki: nobody's ever tried to improve upon that undefined behavior
< rcurtin> it seems to me that if an exception was thrown if you tried to start a timer twice (a std::invalid_argument or something, std::runtime_error maybe), that might be better than undefined behavior
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