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< kirizaki> Hi
< kirizaki> i have some issue with Eclipse CDT, when i include libraries of mlpack/core.hpp my PC processors are going crazy, i mean, ~100% of usage
< kirizaki> i want to test it via "nano" & compile in terminal, but i think it is some Eclipse issue
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< rcurtin> kirizaki: unfortunately I don't know enough about Eclipse to help
< rcurtin> do you think maybe it is trying to build an autocompletion dictionary or something for all of the mlpack classes?
< kirizaki> i already found answer, its some old eclipse bug with indexer
< rcurtin> ah, yeah, indexer, I was sort of close with my idea :)
< kirizaki> xD
< kirizaki> yes, for sure its indexer, cause after disabling it its working normally and there are some solutions for this but no time for this, gotta learn MLPACK :)
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< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#335 (master - e09d6a4 : ryan): The build passed.
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< klyons> Hi all, I'm interested in contributing to mlpack
< klyons> in particular if there is still useful work to do along the lines of the ANN project mentioned in the list of summer of code projects for this past year
< rcurtin> klyons: hello there! lots of interest in neural networks :) zoq would be the person to talk to, though
< rcurtin> I can help you get started with contributing; there might be some simple bugs that you could fix to get an idea of how the library is laid out
< klyons> that's usually a better way to get moving?
< rcurtin> it depends on your preferences, really
< klyons> I've never contributed to a project this large before, I'm a physics guy up to this point
< rcurtin> ah, okay
< klyons> But I'm very interested in the algorithms in particular
< klyons> Well physics and applied math
< rcurtin> it'd probably be worth taking a look at some of the code that's in there, just to get an idea of the coding style, commenting conventions, and so forth
< rcurtin> here is a filter on the github issues for "easy" issues, but based on what I'm piecing together of your background some of these might be too easy and uninteresting:
< rcurtin> the project itself isn't that big; for the most part zoq, stereomatchingkiss (sometimes seen in here), and I are the main contributors at the moment
< rcurtin> some amount of coordination is necessary between us, of course, but it's not like firefox or any of the massive projects with huge barriers to entry and so forth
< rcurtin> because we're a small project, though, it's important that all code is documented well and tested well, to reduce time spent fixing bugs or figuring out code during later maintenance
< klyons> Are there other areas related to specific algorithms that are in particular need of help compared to say ANNs?
< klyons> I am generally interested in ML algos and am probably going to make a career shift in that direction soon
< klyons> ANNs are just one that I've found particularly interesting, but I'd prefer be useful than not
< klyons> understood by the way on the testing and documenting
< klyons> I've spent much of the past year learning how to not write code like a physicist
< rcurtin> sorry, I stepped out for a second...
< klyons> no worries at all
< rcurtin> I'm trying to think of algorithms that need help... there are a couple bugs open under the "impossible" difficulty if you really want to get your hands dirty and dig in
< rcurtin> but I would definitely not recommend that. some of those I am avoiding for my own sanity, although I'll have to tackle a few eventually
< rcurtin> one other idea might be to pick an algorithm that you don't see in mlpack, and implement it
< rcurtin> I can help you with it and merge it in; the basic requirements are that it's tested, documented, and fast, by way of comparison to a competing implementation
< rcurtin> I'm trying to think of some good examples of algorithms that wouldn't be too hard to implement that would be useful...
< klyons> yeah any advice for a good starting project would be great
< kirizaki_> Sorry if i disturb, but few days ago I interested in MLPACK with idea of ANN too ;)
< rcurtin> kirizaki_: no problem :) like I said, zoq is probably the person to talk to; he's been leading that effort
< rcurtin> klyons: do you think you might find, say, kernel regression or support vector machines interesting?
< rcurtin> I don't know what techniques you are familiar with, but those are both useful techniques that mlpack doesn't have anything for
< rcurtin> SVMs will be a little difficult, because personally I don't see much point in implementing SVMs if we can't beat libsvm's runtimes, and my understanding is that libsvm is pretty fast
< klyons> yeah i have a basic familiarity with both, and can always check references to bulk up on them
< klyons> yeah that is what i've read also
< klyons> I know that is one of their design goals as well, and they have been doing it for a long time
< rcurtin> yeah; there have been some attempts at improvements to the SMO algorithm; maybe one of those could outperform libsvm, but I've personally never had a chance to look into it
< rcurtin> I think that with a theoretically fast algorithm and a good implementation, it'd be possible to beat libsvm, but it might be a good amount of work
< klyons> I'm alright with a project being a good amount of work
< rcurtin> at the same time, something like "mlpack has really fast SVMs" would be a great selling point for the library and the implementation would probably get a decent amount of attention
< rcurtin> anyway, unfortunately, I have to head out now, but I idle in here all the time so if you leave messages I'll get back to you. or, you can also use the mailing list:
< rcurtin> or you can open github issues for discussion too. a million ways to collaborate :)
< klyons> I would be happy to spend time with SVMs
< rcurtin> anyway, I'll be back later. I'll see if I can dig up some references on fast SVM training algorithms that are worth thinking about, but I can't promise anything. either way, stock SMO is probably the best way to go at first
< rcurtin> good to meet you, by the way :)
< klyons> Likewise, and thanks for chatting with me about this!
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