changed the topic of #mlpack to: -- We don't respond instantly... but we will respond. Give it a few minutes. Or hours. -- Channel logs:
< naywhayare> zoq: the doxygen output for mlpack-git is now a lot better, but not perfect
< naywhayare> before, the template<...> part was completely unformatted
< naywhayare> it could still use some improvements, so if you see anything wrong, let me know and I can try to fix it...
< zoq> naywhayare: looks great, one thing that caught my eye, is the space between the template and typename, maybe it is intentional by design
< naywhayare> hmm, which browser?
< zoq> chrome
< zoq> template<
< zoq> typenameBoundMetricType>
< naywhayare> ah, I see... that isn't there in firefox
< zoq> ...
< naywhayare> let me fight with css for a while... :)
< naywhayare> okay, I think I got it
travis-ci has joined #mlpack
< travis-ci> mlpack/mlpack#195 (master - ea45ace : Ryan Curtin): The build passed.
travis-ci has left #mlpack []
< zoq> naywhayare: looks good