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<Daanct12> Good morning
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<buZz> ha sweet, got my bt headsetthingy working from droid4
<buZz> i'll dump notes somewhere on wiki as soon as i can do this without that ugly 'blueman'
<buZz> pretty hissy though, wonder if thats the '3 euro'-ness of this bt setup or something else
<buZz> and wasnt able to use the microphone built-in to adapter yet
<buZz> ah the hissyness relates to wifi being enabled it seems
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<freemangordon> Wizzup: in -devel, yes
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<Danct12> i just calibrated my battery, now showing 1794mah :P
<Danct12> i know it's fake, but when charging is it safe to unplug it while it's charging? i don't want to interrupt the calibration process
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<diejuse> Good morning. My video about chroot Maemo Leste on Android phone:
<diejuse> I hope you like.
<diejuse> (first part)
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<Wizzup> freemangordon: cool
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<Wizzup> Danct12: better not interrupt I think
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<Wizzup> diejuse: hey that looks really good
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<parazyd> wow cool video
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<Danct12> yep really cool, except that might actually use more battery
<Wizzup> Danct12: more than?
<Danct12> i bet the X server on that phone is running only in software mode
<Danct12> maemo doesn't require a lot cpu/gpu power so it runs pretty nice i'd say
<Danct12> more battery than running traditional android apps :P
<Wizzup> Danct12: It did look quite smooth on the 3d so that would surprise me
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<uvos> interesintly his hildon launcher scrolling works correctly
<uvos> while it dose not work correcly on mapphones or n900
<uvos> it fails to keep scrolling when you release it at velocity
<Wizzup> really?
* Wizzup tries
<Daanct12> I wonder if that's a bug by nokia
<Daanct12> Since the same appears on fremantle too
<uvos> Daanct12: good to know
<Wizzup> it works on fremantle
<Wizzup> Could be a clutter input thing
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<diejuse> Wizzup, parazyd, uvos, Danct12: Thanks for the feedback. I am happy that you like it.
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<diejuse> There will be a second part. I divided the video into two parts so that it would not be so long.
<Danct12> i actually would like a unihertz titan, except the kernel source isn't open
<diejuse> Danct12: I do not perceive extra battery costs.
<diejuse> Danct12: Titan is a fantastic phone. It just lacks a design with less frame and more screen size.
<diejuse> I think there are people working to install Ubuntu Touch natively.
<Wizzup> Danct12: they don't reply to GPL requests?
<Daanct12> Pretty sure they dont
<Daanct12> They arent a US/EU company
<Daanct12> So it's hard to force them to comply with gpl
<diejuse> They are chinese
<diejuse> I could try installing Maemo on a common non-rooted Android phone. On an Android blackberry, for example. Using the proot technique.
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<mighty> tmlind acc to board files ( gpio 6 needs to be high which is suppose is done by twl6030_omap4.dtsi
<mighty> but here it is muxmode3 while mainline has muxmode2 and even the omap4 TRM says mode3 is reserved
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<Danct12> does the calibration value resets if you remove the battery?
<Wizzup> Danct12: shouldn't but potentially
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<freemangordon> cool video :)
<freemangordon> Pali: anything in particular?
<Pali> freemangordon: looks like that board code needs to be convered to DM USB API
<Pali> I have quickly looked at it, but I'm not sure if this conversion makes sense as DM USB API looks like API for host mode
<Pali> not for peripeheral mode which n900 use for usbtty
<Pali> USB is used in u-boot only for usbtty, nothing more
<Pali> usb host mode for n900 is not in u-boot implemented, because of bugs and hacks (which were implemented in userspace and kernel)
<Pali> and I'm not sure what to do with USB in u-boot for n900... as the only reason for usb code is usbtty console support, nothing more
<freemangordon> ok, so, what exactly you want me to do? Try to do the port?
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<Pali> if you have time, try to look at it, if it makes sense to do some port
<Pali> because porting some unused feature (e.g. non-working usb host mode) to a new API does not make any sense
<freemangordon> ok, will do, but won't have time during the weekend, so on Monday, most-probably. Will ping you then for some more details, ok?
<Pali> ok!
<freemangordon> right
<freemangordon> but are you sure it is only about hostmode?
<Pali> I'm not sure, what why I'm asking for help
<freemangordon> is n900 the only user of usb tty?
<freemangordon> ok
<freemangordon> we have a deal :)
<Pali> due to bugs which were in usbtty code, I think that in upstream u-boot is n900 really the only user
<freemangordon> ok
<Pali> I cannot image that somebody was able to use it without those patches
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<bencoh> alright, I finally installed Leste on my droid4 (basically dd-ed a backup of my custom debian sdcard, installed kexecboot, and dd-ed leste), and ... I'm impressed :)
<bencoh> there are a few glitches here and there, but it's super nice overall
<bencoh> <3
<inky> folks i forgot how to load bt driver.
<inky> modprobe what?
<inky> i got firmware-ti-connectivity
<bencoh> hci_uart I think
<inky> but what to modprobe?
<inky> i thanks
<inky> i am doing 'scan on' in bluetoothctl and it says no default controller available
<inky> i think i need to modprobe something else.
<inky> i did it once but forgot.
<Wizzup> bencoh: good to hear :)
<bencoh> :)
<Wizzup> buZz: did you document the bt headset stuff somewhere?
<buZz> Wizzup: not yet, but its not superdifficult
<buZz> i just dont like that i have to use 'blueman' for the connecting atm
<Wizzup> the more doc on the wiki the better ;)
<Wizzup> aha
<buZz> i'm convinced its possible with just bluetoothctl aswell
<buZz> just havent managed to yet
<buZz> inky: 'power on' first
<buZz> iirc
<bencoh> alright, I'll have to play with it later .... looks like usbnet immediatly unregisters on my device, for some reason ... we'll see :)
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<inky> thank you but power on also doesn't see default device
<inky> what is blueman? should i try that?
<inky> ok right now need to get out. :/
<inky> but will try later.
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<diejuse> freemangordon: thanks :)
<Wizzup> bencoh: maybe try a different cable
<Wizzup> xyboards are here
<Wizzup> ah they do not have sdcards
<Wizzup> sdcard slots*
<parazyd> Time to write mmc install scripts :D
<Danct12> how about running the rootfs off usb? :D
<Wizzup> possible, I did that with the nexus 5 as a test
<Wizzup> not ideal though
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<freemangordon> Wizzup: are you going to try to write support for hidden wlans in icd2 module or me to try doing that? Or we shall combine the forces?
* freemangordon checks
<Wizzup> freemangordon: let me see if I can do it tonight
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<Wizzup> freemangordon: looking at it now
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<Wizzup> freemangordon: so I have 'Hidden Wi-Fi' in my list of networks in the scan dialog, but how do I use the wizard to fill in the AP name?
<Wizzup> maybe I need a reboot
<freemangordon> wait a bit, to push the changes and rebuild
<Wizzup> oh
<freemangordon> yeah, I forgot to push. And I am doing some more cleanup ATM
<Wizzup> np, that's what I asked the other day ;-)
<freemangordon> in 10 minutes, hopefully
<Wizzup> no rush
<Wizzup> thx
<Wizzup> uvos: the xyboard comes with 3.0.8-ga886f0f
<freemangordon> parazyd: Wizzup: what is the policy to move from -devel to stable?
<freemangordon> because I think we shall move gtk, systemui, systemui-powerkeymenu and systemui-tklock to stable
<freemangordon> all packages have severe bugs fixed
<sicelo> Danct12: unplugging while charging is fine. it has zero effect on charge cycle. the cycle is measured from charge full to empty
<Wizzup> freemangordon: usually parazyd does that every now and then when nothing goes on fire
<freemangordon> well, we have invalid memory access on powerkeymenu, leaks in gtk and systemui and lieak and grab fixes in tklock
<freemangordon> no idea how we classify those, but in my book those are critical :)
<Wizzup> freemangordon: yes, so probably parazyd can do em soon
<Wizzup> just giving you the 'procedure' :p
<freemangordon> ok :)
* parazyd notes it
<freemangordon> thanks
<parazyd> freemangordon: Would you prefer it in time for sunday's image builds or later?
<parazyd> I can do either, just wanna schedule it for myself
<freemangordon> yes, better have it in the next image
<parazyd> okay
<freemangordon> esp the grab fix is important
<freemangordon> parazyd: BTW, why it always start from 2m7?
<freemangordon> version that is
<parazyd> 1m7 was when we were on Devuan Ascii, so we incremented that, and 7 is because Maemo 7
<freemangordon> oh
<freemangordon> right, I forgot about that
<sicelo> Danct12: and yes, if you take out battery long enough, calibration does get reset. and of course, if you swap batteries, essentially you'll never have accurate readout
<freemangordon> Wizzup: now it is in the repos
<Wizzup> freemangordon: check
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<Wizzup> freemangordon: update: getting closer, but there is some wierd wpa_supplicant stuff going on still
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<Wizzup> freemangordon: ok, lol...
<Wizzup> so I have code to register the hidden aps with wpa_supplicant, but it doesn't use the info unless I mark them as enabled
<Wizzup> but if I mark them as enabled, then wpa_supplicant will just automatically connect
<Wizzup> (...)
<Wizzup> oh lord this is also dependent on the capabilities of the wifi interface - how many hidden aps it can scan for
<Wizzup> - Export max scan ssids supported by the driver as MaxScanSSID.
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<Wizzup> freemangordon: the only thing I can do is enable them, start the scan, and disable them immediately
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<inky> uvos: i think it is enough to follow the keyboard. if the keyboard changed to english, then setxkbmap "us", if the keyboard changed to armenian, then setxkbmap "us, am".
<inky> let me explain why. if the vkbd is russian, you need to do setxkbmap "ru, us" because ru also contains dot, comma, etc from the ascii segment.
<inky> by the way, armenian layout has own dot symbol, but shares the comma. (: so still, as the general rule
<inky> it is better to activate two layouts - us and something.
<joerg> weird, buzz spamming #libera with a surefire-kline ascii art :-o
<Wizzup> freemangordon: ok, I think I have a hack
<Wizzup> freemangordon: so if we 'disconnect' the interface (we don't need to do it if we are already connected), then wpa_supplicant will not auto connect
<Wizzup> because the reassociate key is set to 0
<Wizzup> so then we can scan properly for hidden ssids
<Wizzup> but then select_network will set reassociate back to 1, so if we get dropped from the AP, we need to set disconnect before scanning
<lel> informer2016 opened an issue: (EG25-G GB - official SDK and many helpful files)
<Wizzup> uvos: if you have time this weekend, I can try to make clownboot work
<inky> uvos: ah know this is a problem, setxkbmap cannot, i guess, accept both us and am simultaneously.
<inky> it has switch to accept one or the other.
<inky> so then depending on the utf-8 keycode it has to choose hardcoded range.
<inky> hm.
<inky> not keycode, utf-8 code.
<inky> but that's possible, because we know all the utf-8 symbols that are used in the vkbs.
<Wizzup> freemangordon: ok, this works
<Wizzup> I'll clean it up tomorrow
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<Wizzup> ok, except that the dbus interface for wpa supplicant doesn't do the same on fi.w1.wpa_supplicant1.Interface.Disconnect compared to 'disconnect' on the ctrl interface
<Wizzup> ......
<Wizzup> so then I would have to *also* connect to the wpa_supplicant control interface
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* Wizzup wondering if we can make ofono and asterisk play nice somehow
<Wizzup> or maybe they just complement each other
<Wizzup> gn
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