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<brabo> rasengan took over a shitload of primary channels. i also got my first kline ever on freenode in over 15 years
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<[TheBug]> So nice of freenode to ban every channel with 'Libera' in their topic :facepalm:
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<lightbringer> indeed
<freemangordon> brabo: I had some popcorn reading through chanlogs where you (and some others) were 'discussing' on FN with current 'staff' :).
<freemangordon> but we're on the other side already, so...
<brabo> freemangordon: oh well, i hope the logs were entertaining!
<brabo> and it is sad that freenode of all places turned into a dumpsterfire, but i like dumpsterfires, they can warm you :p
<brabo> i am honestly amazed, it took a shitload of effort to get klined
<brabo> i was first being nice about it
<brabo> that didn't work..
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<brabo> i just guess almost 2 weeks of asking things more or less nice and certain actions of the new clearly very competent staff got me to be more blunt..
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* enyc meows
<parazyd> uvos: Please give me a list of packages you want build permission for.
<parazyd> brabo, freemangordon: They already killed off #maemo-leste on Freenode
<parazyd> It's good that we moved
<enyc> o dear ;p
<enyc> [Global Notice] In the recent policy enforcement, some channels were erroneously
<enyc> hehe
<enyc> included. We greatly apologize for the inconvenience.
<brabo> parazyd: yes
<brabo> enyc: excuses after the fact do not make them seem any better, or any more competent than they seemed..
<brabo> if it was an isolated incidence, and they made it right (##hntop) then maybe
<brabo> but they refused to make that one right so..
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<enyc> brabo: maybe so... wondering in larger social-sense why all this mess/takeover has happened at all.....
<brabo> enyc: rasengan is just trying to save the users
<brabo> honestly
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<brabo> the policy violations surely were done in good faith
<brabo> /end sarcasm
<uvos> to make irc.txt more usable
<uvos> qpsrecorder, fbkeyboard, charge-mode, droid4-wlanconfig, ti-utils-wilink6, hildon-desktop-rotation-support, iio-sensor-proxy + salutem when you import it, are "my" packages that i currently have no access to.
<uvos> i'd also take mce, libsdl1.2 and mbwm/h-d but i guess that needs more discussion.
<uvos> parazyd: ^^^
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<parazyd> uvos: ok, I have a meeting now so will try to look at it after.
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<Wizzup> The trick where you online the modem, then fill in the pin code, and then use the modem doesn't work if you want a data context - they don't show up this way
<Wizzup> on the d4 that is
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<Wizzup> uvos: got gps lock in a moving train and it's keeping up nicely with 130km/h 
<uvos> Wizzup: the distance indicator or the fixed speed indicator or both?
<Wizzup> uvos: the speed one
<Wizzup> I dindn't apt upgrade yet
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<parazyd> uvos: Regarding irc.txt, there is
<parazyd> uvos: Or do you want it in a .txt file? Do you parse it with something?
<uvos> dosent work on mobile at all (ie on our devices) and pretty poor navigation, as you cant easly switch to today or to yesterday etc
<uvos> was great but as its gohne now irc.txt wroks best on mobile
<uvos> execpet its to long
<parazyd> ok I'll try to set something up
<uvos> simply also logging to another txt file with a cron job to delete every mon at 04:00 or something would suffice
<uvos> for me
<parazyd> Yeah my thought as well
<parazyd> test
<uvos> test
<uvos> seams to work
<uvos> thanks
<uvos> when dose it roll over?
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<parazyd> every monday at 04:00 :p
<uvos> GMT?
<uvos> ok :)
<parazyd> BST
<uvos> ok
<tmlind> nice :)
<tmlind> anybody got a script snippet handy to translate the log file dates to some tz time?
<tmlind> date?
<tmlind> date @1622025105 seems to do the trick
<parazyd> Yeah that's it
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<tmlind> actually date -d @1622024351
<sixwheeledbeast> would be locale time tho
<parazyd> It's a universal timestamp
<parazyd> date(1) will tell you the time in your timezone as you wish.
<sixwheeledbeast> yer
<sixwheeledbeast> date --utc -d foo would output UTC is what mean
<tmlind> ah right
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<tmlind> freemangordon: didn't you check several years ago about what n900 modem is reading from the onenand, what was the conclusion?
<tmlind> just wondering how droid4 gets the modem configuration, sounds like bootloader gets it from the config partition or something like that
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<Wizzup> hmm, modem jumps frequently from one cellid to another, causing gprs to not be attached
<Wizzup> I have to re-activate the data connection every few minutes
<parazyd> Funny a similar thing happens to me on Android, when cellid changes, the usbnet route drops and I have to re-add it :D
<Wizzup> hm, well, this is not usbnet
<Wizzup> I mean there's a few things to work on that will all make this easier
<Wizzup> it's just that when gprs becomes not attached, ofono disables all contexts I think
<Wizzup> I suppose icd2 could keep trying or something
<Wizzup> like the n900 puts a red cross on the data for a bit
<parazyd> *nod*
<Wizzup> hibernate-ram seemed to work on the n900
<Wizzup> er
<Wizzup> d4
<Wizzup> when it woke up X crashed,but still
<Wizzup> I didn't expect it to go to sleep to be honest
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<tmlind> do you mane suspend to ram? yeah that needs more work at least for the modem afaik
<tmlind> s/mane/mean/
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<joerg> what about chanlogs?
<joerg> ooh I see whitequark fixed his stuff, so nevermind
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* asriel waves
<Wizzup> hi!
<asriel> what's up, just registered on libera and oftc, now currently waiting for matrix bridge :)
<asriel> very unfortunate about the freenode incident though
<Wizzup> very sad
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<parazyd> They took over our freenode channel btw.
<Wizzup> yeah
<Wizzup> I'm in the 'community channel' reminding people to come here
<asriel> i've heard of that yep, they basically took over any channels that mentions about "libera"
<asriel> surprisingly, not oftc
<Wizzup> brb ~30 mins
<parazyd> Yeah because it's a personal ageneda
<parazyd> *agenda
<freemangordon> tmlind: on ne900 modem has no access to onenand, so whatever config it needs is loaded by daemons
<freemangordon> it is attached to SSI and a couple of gpios and that's it
<Armen> hey... did freenode just hijack the old channel?
<freemangordon> yes
<Armen> what the heck
<asriel> they absolutely did because the channel topic has libera in it
<freemangordon> but we're here so no drama
<asriel> one question, who runs the "community channel" now?
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<parazyd> asriel: Prefer not to care. We're here now.
<Armen> I had heard about freenode hijacking channels that were migrating away, but I didn't quite believe it. What a way to push away the last of their user base
<Danct12> asriel it's currently owned by a placeholder account but yeah, let's not care about it
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<parazyd> Apologies
<parazyd> Should be back
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<Danct12> will features from cssu like portrait mode be added to maemo leste?
<Danct12> also i'd like to see battery percentage being a thing
<Wizzup> Danct12: yes, in general, we already have most cssu features
<Wizzup> The battery percentage should be visible for calibrated batteries (depending on the device)
<Wizzup> Are you using a N900?
<Danct12> yep
<Wizzup> So the N900 does require a special calibration cycle for battery percentage
<Wizzup> And portrait mode specifically (and only) does not work on the Nokia N900, because rotating the screen with xrandr breaks the powervr X driver
<Wizzup> We should probably fix that sometime soon :)
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<Danct12> thanks, can i boot to fremantle after fully charged on leste? since i need the stock os
<Danct12> would that affect calibration somehow?
<Wizzup> I am not sure to be honest, I'm inclined to say it probably won't matter for the calibration since that's in the chip
<Danct12> hm, then i might just do that and let you know, thanks
<Danct12> i'd like to retire this n900 when the pinephone keyboard comes out :)
<Wizzup> It won't get as good battery life, but yeah
<Wizzup> I'm also looking forward to the keyboard
<parazyd> Lots of localization contributions btw.
<Danct12> i might also sell the n900 too, since it looks worse and worse :P
<Danct12> especially the flaky lock switch and the (yet to fail) microusb port
<Wizzup> Danct12: double pressing the power button does the same as lock
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<diejuse> You might consider adding the ability to move through hildon desktop applications with the cursor keys. :)
<sicelo> ditto, yes N900 battery calibration is maintained throughout OSes. Fremantle always shows percentage even if battery is not calibrated though
<freemangordon> Wizzup: does wpa icd2 module sends saved entries as a result in scan response?
<Wizzup> freemangordon: saved how?
<freemangordon> in gconf
<Wizzup> I don't think it does, not if they're not visible
<freemangordon> see
<freemangordon> I wonder where afa5e7f9-ae1b-42e3-95ab-0f1d1d8d68e8 comes from
<freemangordon> this is saved hidden wlan
<Wizzup> freemangordon: well, it does match against known entries I think
<Wizzup> Let me look
<Wizzup> freemangordon: don't recall
<Wizzup> freemangordon: the ssid matching might be problematic to start with, for hidden wlan, no?
<freemangordon> Wizzup: seems you iterate saved iaps
<Wizzup> freemangordon: yes, to match against known ones
<Wizzup> because in such a case we have to return the user picked name for the SSID
<freemangordon> yes, but this does not work :)
<freemangordon> that's my issue
<Wizzup> for hidden wlan you mean?
<freemangordon> yes
<freemangordon> you return uuid instead if the saved name
<freemangordon> *of the
<freemangordon> May 26 20:46:01 localhost icd2 0.97[7577]: sending ICD_SCAN_NOTIFY nw WLAN_INFRA/50000a1/afa5e7f9-ae1b-42e3-95ab-0f1d1d8d68e8 srv -/-/-
<Wizzup> freemangordon: I think the saved name matching should be fixed by not comparing ssid's but rather something else
<Wizzup> although I don't think we save bssids, which likely also doesn't make sense
<Wizzup> so I am not sure what we can match on for hidden wlan?
<freemangordon> somehow you match it
<Wizzup> I need to read up on this and figure out how this works again, I'm not giving particularly useful answers
<freemangordon> if (strcmp(net->wlan_ssid, ssid) == 0)
<Wizzup> yes, but how can the scan know the ssid of the hidden ap?
<Danct12> does it take longer to charge on leste?
<Danct12> or it's the same as fremantle
<Wizzup> Danct12: hmmmm, potentially on the n900 it might take longer, I don't remember if we allow speed charging
<freemangordon> Wizzup: no idea, but somehow it works
<freemangordon> will try the latest master, to see some logs from the module
<Wizzup> freemangordon: is this the last part of the puzzle?
<freemangordon> not sure
<Wizzup> It might make sense to look at dbus and see what wpa_supplicant reports for your AP
<freemangordon> but the end result is that this saved hidden net results in an empty net added to the list
<Wizzup> get_bss_info in src/wpaicd.c seems to suggest it's SSID in dbus
<freemangordon> which can be clicked :)
<Wizzup> freemangordon: ah, does it connect?
<freemangordon> no, because it doesn't know what to connect to (no name) I guess
<freemangordon> but lets first try to fix missing name
<Wizzup> if you run icd2 in a shell you should see the module print to stderr
<Wizzup> look after fprintf(stderr, "wlan_bring_up: %s\n", network_id);
<freemangordon> but you have a commit replacing printf fir ILOG
<freemangordon> *for
<Wizzup> Ah.
<Wizzup> freemangordon: then it should be in syslog, no?
<freemangordon> going to check
<freemangordon> whaat?
<freemangordon> May 26 21:25:18 localhost icd2 0.97[26497]: 'afa5e7f9-ae1b-42e3-95ab-0f1d1d8d68e8' type 'WLAN_INFRA' ICD_STATUS_CHANGED_SIG with status CONNECTED, '' sent to '(null)'
<Danct12> anyway to calibrate the display also?
<Wizzup> Danct12: xinput_calibrate (or similar name)
<freemangordon> hmm, it says so, but it is not really connected
<Wizzup> btw, that does not come libicd-network-wpasupplicant module
<Wizzup> anything before that?
<freemangordon> trying to ge some more sane logs
<freemangordon> *get
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<freemangordon> Wizzup: oh, false alarm
<freemangordon> afa5e7f9-ae1b-42e3-95ab-0f1d1d8d68e8 is my router, nit the hidden wlan
<freemangordon> sorry for the noise
<Wizzup> np
<freemangordon> Wizzup: any hint what to modify so scan to return no networks?
<Wizzup> do you mean no scan results?
<freemangordon> hmm, if I delete dummy network, no empty network is added
<Wizzup> odd
<freemangordon> mhm
<Wizzup> maybe the dummy network interacts somehow with the hidden wlan
<Wizzup> since they both have no name (?)
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<freemangordon> dummy net has a name
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<sicelo> Danct12: put in 950 in sysfs - charge_current or something
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<Wizzup> freemangordon: please file a bug for those problems if you want me to take a look
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<freemangordon> Wizzup: sure
* enyc meows
* enyc notices no other news for a while but the funding news and irc channel move news!
<enyc> "More concretely, in the scope of DAPSI, we will work on supporting various interfaces in the Telepathy framework: XMPP, GNU Jami, Matrix, and Signal messenger."
<freemangordon> Wizzup: my last commit is the reason for that empty net, I will fix it in a minute
<Wizzup> ack
<enyc> ..... does this mean somehow-or-other having a unified addressbook/contacts across all the underpininng interfaces.
<enyc> telepathy-signal is an interesting concept, I'm not sure how co-operative Signal are / will be though
<enyc> "not actively hostile" but I understand their attitude has been basicalyl 'doing their own thing' in FOSS-code and avoiding some classes of complexity that way... Where Matrix work to have much wider spec and so-forth...1
<inky> uvos, i think we need to work with you on integrating xmodmap as well.
<inky> i don't know if you should call it with system() or there is a function call you can use.
<inky> i guess there is a function call because setxkbmap uses it.
<inky> oh, god, i didn't mean xmodmap, i meant setxkbmap.
<uvos> inky sure i would just use the xkb extension to set the map thats not the problem
<uvos> i have not looked into the issue at all yet
<uvos> but mostly we have to find a map that is appropriate to the vkb we want to use
<uvos> im not sure how to do this best
<uvos> we could either have a lut somewhere that tells us vkb input lang = this xkeymap
<uvos> or the vkb could type untill it finds a utf char that it cant get a xkeycode for from x
<uvos> and then switch the map or modify it if possible to inlcude this char and then continue sending untill it encounters the next char it cant print
<uvos> the former would be easier
<uvos> the latter is mutch better
<uvos> currently for instance on the us vkb layout it fails to print the EUR sign becuase the us xkb layout dosent include this
<uvos> we would likely runn into this issue all over the place with implementation 1
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<Wizzup> parazyd: freemangordon: so I used ethtool to set the raspi's iface to 100mbit and also changed the aoe scheduler to none from mq-deadline
<Wizzup> so there should be no more dropped packets and it also shouldn't burst (it's ssd backed, but it didn't know)
<Wizzup> it seems to not hang now
<Wizzup> assuming this holds, I'll get a dedicated switch or something
<Wizzup> (thanks meridion for the suggested fixes)
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