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<naoki> oops... ROCK Pi E v3.0...
<naoki> mmm...
<naoki> zzz...
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<diederik> Kwiboo: what's the base commit for your 4K60hz series?
<diederik> I was wondering before whether I should add the 4 commits that were dropped from your v1 series ... and decided to add them. So it could be that that's causing problems (for me) now
<diederik> Thus patch 03-06 from
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<diederik> I (temporarily) disabled them but then went from 1 to 2 out of 4 hunks FAILED (on the first patch in that series)
<diederik> In case it could help, the log:
<diederik> all those 'other' patches are from the Debian kernel, your patches are below 'features/arm64/'
<diederik> I can fix it, but then I could be testing something different from what you expect
<diederik> is this particular branch with the problem
<Kwiboo> diederik: base commit is next-20240906, and yes the merged patches is needed and there are some other dw_hdmi-rockchip cleanup patches that also have been applied:
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<diederik> Kwiboo: thanks, should be able to properly fix things :)
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