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<tuxd3v> wens, heh.. not a good solution, maybe you want to apply some good thermal paste, and in that way you can't..also I son't know if there are a PWM fan onboard..
<tuxd3v> err, son't -> don't o.O
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<wens> tuxd3v: AFAIK there is thermal glue with good conductivity?
<tuxd3v> wens, more or less, but nothing beats the conductivity of thermal paste, not even close.
<tuxd3v> of course there are a lot of diferent quality type profucts in the market
<tuxd3v> products.*
<tuxd3v> a good glue can be maybe indetical to a bad thermal paste
<tuxd3v> now the problem is defining bad thermal paste..
<tuxd3v> there are tons and tons or products availlable
<tuxd3v> maybe they are thinking that everybody will use the board at stock, without pushing all cores to the max..
<tuxd3v> I do otherwise 24x7x365 at max usage, completly saturated
<tuxd3v> summer and winter, kickass :)
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<f476> hi o/ have rock pi s. possible USB OTG Console (not adb shell) on official debian image? something like this solution
<phh> you just want a login console, or you want kernel logs?
<phh> fwiw, in modern configfs kernel framework, setuping USB peripheral mode with serial (ACM ttyGS0) and network (rndis usb0), init looks like this:
<phh> though you can still hardcode configurations like your example probably does in kernel's .config
<f476> @phh: login to console
<f476> big thx! try this solution
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<f476> @phh: before run this script need "systemctl stop rockchip-adbd" ?
<f476> and copy this script to /etc/init.d/ ? or not?
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