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<f_> ok so I got pmOS booting on the tv stick
<f_> I was going to have a look at mmcblk1boot0 when I noticed... no @AML header?
<f_> And no AMLC header?
<f_> This is a secureboot-enabled device ... so I guess it's all encrypted
<phh> I can check, but I seemed to remember the @AML header was still there
<phh> you're sure it's not in mmcblk1 directly?
<f_> I checked boot1 and it's not there either.
<f_> Same thing in mmcblk1
<f_> yes, I expected at least a little header too
<f_> Instead all I see is "gibberish"
<f_> put in quotes, since the stick does boot :p
<f_> I'm pretty sure it boots from eMMC, too. The UART logs aren't intentionally mangled (like on some ZTE device...) and besides, eMMC is all the stick has
<f_> I'll admit it's my first time I actually deal with a secureboot-enabled amlogic device... ;p
<phh> hum yeah i said i would send you one with the keys
<f_> Another strange (to me) thing is the device currently has Android 10 ...... I always thought Amlogic didn't support anything newer than Pie on gxl..
<f_> phh: oh, that would be cool.
<f_> Even though I think my tv stick might be vulnerable to a bootROM USB mode bug thing that could let me run unsigned code
<phh> wrt android 10 on gxl, all i can say is that i have an android 10 bsp from amlogic that didn't remove all gxl code
<f_> interesting
<f_> Ironically I'm glad Xiaomi made the switch bevause they accidentally re-enabled u-boot shell over UART :D
<f_> because*
<phh> :)
<f_> yep basically they exposed a u-boot shell over uart in early Android 9 days. Then they disabled it in an upgrade. And now that they switched to A10 it got enabled again :p
<f_> And even in Android 9 when they disabled it, you could still run commands via "fastboot oem"
<phh> well "modern" amlogic still allows you with "adnl bulkcmd"
<f_> Even with secureboot?
<phh> yes
<f_> hah
<f_> I have to try
<phh> yes, it passes all security certifications and all
<phh> but developers still need backdoors to debug at the end of the day :s
<f_> challenge: use u-boot shell but no stdout
<f_> Anyway. I might dump boot0/boot1 to take a closer look later
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