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<hermanberd> Hey guys, I am building a Yocto image for aml-s905x-cc, and I'm trying to run qt5 app with eglfs. So far with the help of meta-meson and meta-qt5 my app runs with "-platform linuxfb" but as far as I know linuxfb is not hardware accelerated backend but eglfs is. When I try to run with "-platform -eglfs" I get the following:
<hermanberd> drmModeGetResources failed (Operation not supported)
<hermanberd> no screens available, assuming 24-bit color
<hermanberd> Cannot create window: no screens available
<hermanberd> I also found the following discussion, but it's really confusing:
<hermanberd> Could somebody please give me some directions where should I be looking? Kernel version is 6.5.13-yocto-standard-meson64
<hermanberd> Also not sure if this is a right place for this question, and I apologize if so.
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<sfan5> hermanberd: you could try something like drm_info to see if it's working right with your kernel
<hermanberd> sfan5 Thanks, that helped a lot actually
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