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<xdarklight> naoki: Neil is on vacation at the moment and he couldn't apply the patch when it was sent as trees were closed for new submissions. I think he's back in a week (iirc) - just give him until then, he tracks patches using patchwork so he'll pick it up when he's back
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<naoki> xdarklight: thanks
<mkorpershoek> rockosov: yeah that might not be the easiest. The AOSP image is still in non A/B.
<mkorpershoek> we have: that (I think) are in A/B mode
<mkorpershoek> I can help testing as well
<mkorpershoek> (on the list)
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<xdarklight> jbrunet: nice drm/meson cleanup. I'm -ETIMEDOUT for today (two patches remaining)
<xdarklight> jbrunet: side-note 1/2: I created drivers/phy/amlogic/phy-meson8-hdmi-tx.c a while ago - it works well for (not upstream yet) 32-bit SoC HDMI support. but I understand that especially with 420 support the HDMI 2.x PHY needs more info than the TMDS clock so it may not be easy and (which would provide phy_configure_opts_hdmi) has stalled
<xdarklight> jbrunet: side-note 2/2: my work-in-progress branch with 32-bit SoC HDMI support: - it will require meson_drv to be independent of the HHI registers (see and all resolutions that I've tested are working by using CCF to set the video clocks (see
<xdarklight> xdarklight/linux/commit/f105e98570211cb16a2ffdca32ac2869c92f9353)
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