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<k-man> how can i remotely control the ui so i can type a host, login and pw for my jellyfin plugin?
<k-man> ideally from my computer
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<BillTorvalds> I recently bought an RPI 4 and ende dup installing LibreELEC on it. I tested it briefly on a HDMI TV and it works. Now I've finally received the special cable specifically made for RPI 4 to output composite, hooked up to my 1989 PAL TV. I read the comment in config.txt and followed it exactly: I told config.txt to use distconfig-composite.txt, as well as added the PAL row in cmdline.txt, exactly according to the instructions. In spite of
<BillTorvalds> this, all I see on the screen is four repeated LibreELEC logos flickering away in black-and-white, with nothing ever happening such as the UI loading up. Doesn't seem to respond to keyboard/gamepad input either. Just stuck like that. What could possibly be wrong?
<BillTorvalds> s/ende dup/ended up/
<BillTorvalds> The fact that it's black and white and repeated like that hints to me that it's actually outputting NTSC in spite of me using the right line?
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<BillTorvalds> (But that's just a guess from me based on what NTSC Nintendo 64 games look like on the same TV.)
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<LEBot> [slack] <chewitt> What is “the right line” that you used?
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<BillTorvalds> chewitt: video=Composite-1:720x576@50ie
<BillTorvalds> Undearneath the "boot=blablabla" line.
<BillTorvalds> And in config.txt: #include distroconfig.txt
<BillTorvalds> include distroconfig-composite.txt
<BillTorvalds> What could be wrong?
<BillTorvalds> Shouldn't that logo just display briefly anyway, to be replaced by the actual UI, no matter how messed up it looks in this state?
<BillTorvalds> Why does it just linger on the boot screen?
<BillTorvalds> It didn't seem to take long to boot up when I tried it on the HDMI TV.
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<LEBot> [slack] <chewitt> All boot params need to be on the same line. If you split them anything after the first line is ignored.
<BillTorvalds> Well, that certainly was NOT mentioned in the instructions.
<BillTorvalds> "# For PAL add: video=Composite-1:720x576@50ie"
<BillTorvalds> That, to me, reads like: "add this line"
<BillTorvalds> Well, that did the trick. Now it at least starts up and has colour.
<BillTorvalds> Unfortunately, the resolution is so high and it's "off-center" to the point where I can't navigate around in the UI and get to the resolution settings. :(
<LEBot> [slack] <chewitt> I’ve no experience with composite output since 2016 (and not ever on Pi hardware) so can’t offer any guidance.
<LEBot> [slack] <chewitt> I do know that modern Kodi is designed for a minimum 720p screen so anything smaller will be challenged in places.
<LEBot> [slack] <chewitt> You might be better off with Raspberry Pi OS
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<BillTorvalds> I started with Raspberry Pi OS.
<BillTorvalds> It was inexplicably ultra-sluggish to the point of being unusable.
<BillTorvalds> Making me think there was something wrong with the hardware, but apparently not, since LibreElec/Kodi runs on a modern TV and seems to perform well.
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<BillTorvalds> I can't get it to output any sound. I've double-checked everything. It works with the same setup with other sources, but not the RPI4...
<BillTorvalds> In the audio settings in Kodi/LibreELEC, it only allows me to set the volume to -99 dB to 0 dB.
<BillTorvalds> What's up with that?
<BillTorvalds> Why isn't that from 0 to 99 dB or something?
<BillTorvalds> I've looked through every damn menu and thing.
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<BillTorvalds> It's so infuriating that it defaults to 0 dB and doesn't allow me to go any higher in the slider.
<BillTorvalds> I know for a fact that the videos I'm trying to play have audio.
<BillTorvalds> What could possibly be causing this?
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<BillTorvalds> Any ideas?
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<mack> I can't comment on hardware/config issues you're describing, but the -99 to 0 db scale is correct for describing the digital audio volume full scale. 0 is the reference point of max value. Moral of the story: dB is dumb for describing most things audio people use it for.
<BillTorvalds> This is just... absurd. Why is it muted when the guisettings.xml says: <audio>
<BillTorvalds> <fvolumelevel>1.000000</fvolumelevel>
<BillTorvalds> <mute>false</mute>
<BillTorvalds> </audio>
<BillTorvalds> This is ridiculous. I can't believe the problems I've had with this thing. How does something like this happen to begin with?
<Ommand> probably because you're an extreme edge case that was never tested for?
<BillTorvalds> Yeah, it's so extreme to output audio? :/
<Ommand> over composite to a tv from 1989? are you serious?
<BillTorvalds> There is nothing wrong with the TV, as I said. It outputs audio from everything else.
<BillTorvalds> But not from the RPI. It seems clear that there is something with LibreELEC/Kodi that is up.
<Ommand> see my first
<BillTorvalds> ?
<BillTorvalds> Why does the audio setting inside the video player not let me set the volume to over 0 dB?
<Ommand> mack already explained that to you
<BillTorvalds> No, he didn't.
<Ommand> ok good luck bud
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<BillTorvalds> You had no intention of helping. I can tell by the aggressive, hostile tone of your texts.
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<Ommand> aggressive and hostile you say
<BillTorvalds> I finally got it working, by switching the audio setting in System. I looked there before, but then it only had one option. Now it had three. However, while the two others produce sound, the audio keeps cutting off constantly when playing known-good video files!!
<BillTorvalds> This convinces me that there is just something wrong with the hardware on my RPI4.
<BillTorvalds> The video plays without stutter, but the audio does.
<BillTorvalds> (Does stutter.)
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