ChanServ changed the topic of #libreelec to: LibreELEC Support ~ Log ~ No discussion or support for piracy addons or IPTV/VPN services
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<electro575> rebonjour, vous faite comment pour mettre une page en ligne avec dokuwiki ?
<electro575> j'ai mis la conf nginx mais je n'ai encore rien à part la page de nginx par defaut
<electro575> sorry
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<LEBot> [slack] <chewitt> mauvais canal je pense
<electro575> oui
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<Bardon_> Hello, I am using LE 11.0.3 on an RPi4. It fetches video from a Samba server. It detects most of my library fine except for some videos. In the logs I see: "warning <general>: No information found for item 'smb://my_server/Partage/Medias/Videos/Series/Les Simpson (1989)/', it won't be added to the library."
<Bardon_> I used to work. It stopped working recently
<Bardon_> (I manually inserted the "my_server" part)
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<mack> Bardon_: the other titles that scrape successfully are also French?
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<k-man> what do i need to do to get mame up and running in libreelec?
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<Bardon_> mack: Yes, from season 1 to 33 it works fine. I recently added season 34 and notice it isn't added with the other episodes
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