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<chewitt> rdo: the last available LE image for WP1 is 9.0.2
<chewitt> but you may be able to run 9.2 via one of @dtech images (search the forums)
<chewitt> there is not much upstream support for Meson6 hardware, so I am not building LE10/LE11 images for it
<chewitt> most of the little hardware support for Meson6 is due to a particular driver/subsystem being the same as Meson8 or GXBB
<chewitt> and nobody is working on it, so LE has no plans to revive support
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<vidphreek> Should using something like "FLIRC USB Universal Remote Control Receiver" and libreElec on a mixix box work?
<vidphreek> I cant get the remote that came with the minix box to work with libreelec and am trying to figure a work around? (to use either the minux remote, or harmony remote etc)
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<chewitt> Karyon has another attempt at BT support
<chewitt> I have the schematics for the board now, so there should be a power LE somewhere (red in standby, green when on)
<chewitt> LED
<rdo> Thanks chewitt for the explanation. It is said that I have essentially to throw away working hardware (but I fully understand it is not at all LibreELECs fault, but wetek did a poor HW choice, and I did not look carefully enough when buying the device)
<chewitt> rdo You can keep it for the tuners as a TVH device; Just use something more modern for the client end
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<Karyon> chewitt: Sorry I'm just in the middle of painting. I tried the update and the screen is now just bright red with no ssh
<Karyon> Should I unplug and try booting again?
<chewitt> sure, no harm in trying
<chewitt> I've never seen anything like that
<Karyon> I should have taken a picture. It's updating right now
<chewitt> the pic wouldn't enlighten me much
<chewitt> I tweaked the BT wake settings and also added a spifc (SPI) node which is marked in the schematics
<chewitt> otherwise there's no real change
<Karyon> chewitt: Here's the message log
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<chewitt> still the same red screen?
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<Karyon> No booted fine after.
<chewitt> hmm.. the spi change isn't helping things
<chewitt> and the BT change didn't make any difference
<Karyon> Damn :(
<chewitt> random things to try:
<chewitt> mkdir -p /storage/.config/firmware/rtl_bt
<chewitt> cd /storage/.config/firmware/rtl_bt
<Karyon> done
<chewitt> wget -O /storage/.config/firmware/rtl_bt/rtl8723bs_config.bin
<chewitt> wget -O /storage/.config/firmware/rtl_bt/rtl8723bs_fw.bin
<chewitt> reboot
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<chewitt> this should override the firmware/config files with some different ones
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<chewitt> I have to go find someone to look at the BT driver code; there must be a way to get more debug output from the driver
<Karyon> Sounds good. Just ping me so I hopefully hear it while painting. Thanks
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