<headius> "kares: I can review your error-..." <- Should be done but somehow never got green on my fork, but things pass locally - not sure what's going on with CI. should be back next week I can give it another try...
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kares: I'll have a peek
enebo: yesterday was spent getting jruby-maven-plugins moved to jruby org, org.jruby.maven group ID, and getting all the tests green again
that and mavengem are now green and should be possible to deploy, though there's some circular relationships I haven't sorted out yet
then I ran into an issue where the polyglot subsystem also hardcodes de.saumya.mojo group ID for some stuff, but I have a workaround for now (we'll need to take over maven-tools too at some point to fix this)
ok so I need releases of maven-tools gem and polyglot-ruby to propagate the group ID change
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alright, I finally got around to getting a heap dump of an OOM process from a CI run (set a lower memory limit and ran it locally)
at the top of the stats is 6M Blocks, taking up 248MB. is there a way to tell where those blocks are allocated from? exploring around their structures and not finding something obvious like line number and file