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<headius> duc: hello there!
<headius> The AST gets compiled to our intermediate representation (IR) basically a bytecode instruction set
<headius> that is interpreted and eventually compiled to JVM bytecode
<headius> this is all under org.jruby.ir... IRBuilder does the compilation from AST to IR, and org.jruby.ir.targets.JVMVisitor does the compilation from IR to JVM
<headius> enebo: I don't know when or if mkristian will get around to reviewing so I'm pushing forward with a 2.0 release of mavengem today under org.jruby.maven
<headius> once that propagates I'll patch up master and 9.3... perhaps other branches as well? They'll all basically be unbuildable otherwise
<headius> enebo: ok pushing foward with release and update now
<headius> here's hoping the release process is smooth
<enebo[m]> headius: ok 9.2 could be held off until someone complains? not sure
<enebo[m]> One recent issue pointed out they were still converting to 9.3 from 9.2 so they probably will
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<headius> yeah
<headius> ok there's more work here... I need to also update and release jruby-maven-plugins in order to update JRuby, since there were changes required there
<headius> enebo: I'm going to move jruby-maven-plugins from torquebox org to jruby org also
<headius> just too confusing for us to maintain these things in like three orgs
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