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<headius> <nirvdrum[m]> "FYI, there's interest in getting..." <- > <@nirvdrum:matrix.org> FYI, there's interest in getting the [Ruby LSP](https://github.com/shopify/ruby-lsp) test suite running with JRuby in CI. I've been working on the TruffleRuby support. IIRC, JRuby had some Ripper differences that were leading to failures.
<headius> We were told about issues at RubyKaigi which we fixed, as noted here: https://github.com/Shopify/ruby-lsp/issues/687
<headius> > I don't know how much you care to support it, but Microsoft blessed that project as the Ruby extension to use for VS Code.
<headius> >
<headius> If there's any other issues we should be able to correct them quickly, but we know of none