<nirvdrum[m]> <MatthewRapati[m]> "hi, I have a question about..." <- How did you install it? The distribution should have everything you need to launch it.
<nirvdrum[m]> nirvdrum[m]: I fetched https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/jruby/jruby-dist/ to verify that it starts up. Granted, I don't have an Ubuntu 20.04 setup at the moment.
<MatthewRapati[m]> <nirvdrum[m]> "I fetched https://repo1.maven...." <- thanks for the reply, I am using asdf to install it
<MatthewRapati[m]> <MatthewRapati[m]> "thanks for the reply, I am using..." <- I d/led it from that link and hacked it into the asdf installs folder and got it working!
<MatthewRapati[m]> MatthewRapati[m]: Thanks for the push in the right direction 😁
<nirvdrum[m]> <MatthewRapati[m]> "Thanks for the push in the right..." <- No problem. I wonder if it's setting an environment variable incorrectly. I've run into issue using SDKMan! with TruffleRuby.
<nirvdrum[m]> FYI, there's interest in getting the [Ruby LSP](https://github.com/shopify/ruby-lsp) test suite running with JRuby in CI. I've been working on the TruffleRuby support. IIRC, JRuby had some Ripper differences that were leading to failures.
<nirvdrum[m]> I don't know how much you care to support it, but Microsoft blessed that project as the Ruby extension to use for VS Code.