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<headius> enebo: looking over 3.1 bullets related to the module thing, there's some additional work needed: https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/17423
<headius> there's a small but very dense diff of changes to CRuby that we'd need to translate to our structure... I won't get to it this week but this probably needs to happen since Matz claims it is broken as is (with our 3.0 change in place we largely match the output)
<headius> since that is a showstopper I'm going to make a 9.4 issue for it so we don't forget about it
<headius> (and because task lists on github have a convenient button to make an issue now)
<headius> yes
<enebo[m]> there are specs/tests for this too right?
<headius> tests at least
<enebo[m]> I have no issue with an issue though :)
<headius> worked but a bit wonky... doesn't know how to handle multi-line tasks well I guess
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