it's also a 50/50 shot of getting that prompt or a generic IRB prompt.
btw, if @jruby on twitter is tagged about the 'red-dragon' for Ghidra, Ghidra is a Binary analysis/reverse engineering tool from the NSA that is scriptable using Jython, and red-dragon adds the ability to script Ghidra in Ruby via us.
Some classpath weirdness maybe
Ah sounds like a fun use of JRuby
yea, I was thinking gem home conflicts maybe but that's a 3rd version
Yes, I was quickly fed up with the jython interpreter and looked to see if someone used jruby :-)
I'm always so impressed at how "flow-y" ruby is for interactive use, and how not flow-y python is
The annoyance that got me the most was jython's iterator support. I kept having to surround my code with comprensions + [0], but jruby I just tack on .first
Ah, I dislike setters returning things because it means foo=() proxies aren't generated. Is it possible to configure or reconsider setFoo(1) always generating a proxy foo=(1) with fluentish api's being common?
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Yeah maybe. We follow javabean patterns but maybe all sets should get an assignment form.
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it's DCE removing a block arg... must have missed something in my PR that causes it to not see a zsuper as wanting block
hmm or it is building the super wrong
woot fixed
missed a `block == null`
enebo: it might be better long term if we ratchet down some of the static types here... if instead of Operand we stored some interface type shared by NullBlock and WrappedIRClosure and such we could always just call closure.isNull()
I will push these couple lines of fixes and see how it looks in PR
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looking better now
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WIP specs down to 140 F/E now, very nice
I will start hitting the rest of these green suites hard starting next week
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enebo: PR should be ready for review, or if you think we should take it further